Chapter 28 {finale}

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((I'm working on this while listening to mama's gun on repeat, while my A/C is out on a hot Florida Monday night... IMA BE UP FOR A WHILE SO LETS GO:,) also I'm using my next schools graduation system
White= honor roll and/or high GPA
Dark green= normal))

Tyler's P.O.V

I stare at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing my soft white gown. Perfectly clean, no marks or wrinkles.
"It's already over..." I mumble to myself. "High school is over.... I'm going to have my freedom in 3 hours... I'm finally done..." I start to freak out. It's already been 4 years! F O U R!!!
Where has time gone?!
It makes me really sad to think that I was once a freshman, sitting in class; practically failing. Then meeting Evan, and all of my other friends, then Craig...
I get caught out of my thoughts when my phone buzzes. I see a text from Evan's Mom.

Mama Dukes; I cant believe my boys are graduating already! I've already cried 6 times today! I remember when you guys were freshmen

Owl; mommmmm

Mama Dukes; im just saying!! It's been FOUR Years since I met these two! This was the best decision you've ever made Evy!

Owl; mom please...

Mama dukes; Jonathan and Tyler have changed you so much! I remember having to practically make friends for you! Now you have a huge crowd of people following you, practically the most popular person in school! And when you were younger, you would cry if someone talked to you An-
(Message is too long)

Owl; mom omg I'm just in the other room you can come to me to tell me this...

You; hi


Mama Dukes; hehe

Del; hey hey

Owl; hey Jon's here too!


Mama Dukes; ah my boys!

Owl; mOM WHY

Mama Dukes; hey at least I didn't FULLY Embarrass you!

Owl: don't you dare...!

You; what else is there? ;)

Mama Dukes; Glad you asked!

Owl: T Y L E R W H Y

(Owl has left the Group)

( Mama Dukes has added
'Owl' to the chat)


You are now offline...

I place down my phone laughing. I'm glad we plan to stay together. Jon and Evan decided to by a house by the collage Jon wants to attend, They're gonna see it tomorrow. I plan to stay in the area for one more year since Craig is finishing off high school. I'll be visiting Jon and Evan every so often as well, might even get myself a temporary job somewhere. Where? No idea but that's fine. (Not)
I sigh and grab my keys, and leave my house to drive to the fair grounds, where the graduation would be. (( I'm basing this off of my county lmao sorry))

——————{time skip}———————

I got to the area to see Jon standing at the senior entry.
"Waitin' on you my dude" he smiled. I took a deep breath and smiled back, following him into the area.
I entered and saw all of my fellow seniors. Some crying, some having a panic attack (I know even if they aren't showing it) and more.
"Wow, finally... it's the day!!" I smiled.
"I know right! I'm so scared! What if I fall?" Jon added with a chuckle.
"We'll I'll DEFINITELY Laugh at you"
"Not even gonna check on me?"
"Mmmmm... nope!" I chuckled and he laughed.
"Love ya too dude!" I winked and walked away. I heard the chatter of everyone in the room, above and bellow.
"Guys start heading to your seats in your order! We practiced this! Adrien your first! Percy you're last!" The assistant principal said. "Also don't forget, high GPA and Honor roll go first! The seats have where you should sit on them!" He spoke before setting us off, into the the auditorium.
I walked till I found my spot. 'Tyler Wine 4.7 GPA High honor roll'
I sigh and sit down. I was one of the last people, obviously from my last name. Time to wait...

————{ graduation has started}————

3rd person

"Welcome students, family, and more to the graduation of the class of 2022!" Everyone in the auditorium started to clap and yell.
"Looks like everyone's happy! I bet some of these students are as well" principal Isabel chuckled while eyeing a few students down, causing some laughter.

((I'm very crusty with graduations BC I haven't been to one in a while so let's just skip this part till they start calling students))

"We will be starting with our students who managed to graduate in white!" Principle Isabel smiled as the first row of students stood up.
"Starting with Leroy Brooker!" Principle Isabel started as she greeted the man with his diploma. As she went down the list.
"Jonathan Denis!" Tyler and Evan both cheered for Jon as he walk up the stage to grab his diploma. He stood and looked into the crowd before smiling and walking back down.

((More skips lol))

"Evan Fong!" Evan looked as if he were having a panic attack just then and there. He was shaking so much, from happiness that he finally managed to get through high school with our having any difficulty. "I did this for you dad..." he mumbled as he looked up into the sky through the open window and wiped a tear. The principal hugged Evan before he walked off the stage.


"And last but not least with high honor roll and or GPA, Tyler Wine!" Tyler walked onto the stage, filled with courage. He smiled into the crowd. He looked at every individual person in the crowd, seeing one stick out. It was Craig. He was cheering for his boyfriend. Tyler smiled and blushed a little as he grabbed his diploma and walked down the stage.
"I'm finally done..."


Cheers were heard as the grads threw their caps into the air.
"Congratulations to all of you guys and girls! It was an honor being your principal." Principle Isabel smiled down and the crowed cheered.
The class was dismissed one final time and met up with their family's and friends.
"MY BOYS ARE FINALLY FREE!!!!" Evans Mom said as she blew her nose in a tissue. She hugged all three of the boys, earning a hug back from them all.
"I can't believe it either mom" Evan smiled as he wiped us own tears. "It's finally done"
Tyler nodded to agree. Tyler felt of small arms wrap around his waist.
"Congratulations babe!" Craig smiled as he held onto Tyler.
"Thank you, my love" Tyler replied as he turned around and gave Craig a kiss on his forehead.
"You guys are so cute it makes me sick! In a good way..." Lui said breaking the moment, causing everyone to laugh.
"I can't wait to say the same for you Lui.... can't wait to say the same to you..." Craig smiled.
"Oh please, I'm perfectly fine right now!"
"Yeah, sure you are" Jonathan laughed as they all walked out.

         High school has officially ended

   But it's only a start for a new beginning

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