Chapter 3

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Mini's P.O.V

Since it was my first day I had no idea what to do. I didn't talk to Tyler since I wanted him to finish whatever he was writing so I decided to look out the window. I see a kid in gym clothes go to the fountain and grab his stuff, it looked Wet? Hm wonder what happened.
For the rest of the 46 minutes we had in class I just daydreamed, I thought If I would get more friends here, so far I only have one and that's Tyler.

*time skip brought to you by wibble wobble school cheese :D (iNSIDE JOKE DONT ASK---)*

Tyler's P.O.V

The period has finally ended, I also managed to finish my essay and turned it in early for 5 extra point So! Score!
When I get back to my desk to grab my stuff I look over at mini to see him looking at his schedule confused. I also understood why he was called Mini now. Compared to me,he was to my chest. Small guys are cute guys. Wait why am I thinking this?
"I'm going to take a lucky guess and say that you've never gotten a tour of the school huh?" I asked when I snapped out of my thoughts
He looked up at me
"Heh... You're right... Do you know where room 337 is at?" He asked softly. Man I love his voice.
"Yeah actually My next class is in room 375 which is right next to it." His eyes lit up when I said that.
"Yay I won't be lost now" he giggled which made me laugh.
"Yep! Come on before we are late" we both walk out of the room and across the school to the hallway with every '300' room in it." Oh since this is our last period,I'll wait for you. I have some people that you should meet, I think you'll be good friends" he looked straight up at me when I said Friends.
"How many people?"
"Oh I know a lot! But I will just show you my close friends Evan, he goes by Vanoss, Delirious, and the 'great' Nogla!"
"I've never had that many friends at my old school, I only had 2 and was very close to one..." Awe, I kinda felt bad for him."How do you live with One close friend!? Are you human?!"
He just gave a soft chuckle and looked down.
"I'm the shyest guy you will ever know... That's why I freaked out when i ran into you earlier" Actually that makes sense now for why he didn't speak to me.
I dropped him off at class and walked to my own.

*more time skip meep*

As soon as the bell rang I walked out to wait for Mini to get out of class. When he finally got out we walked to the main entrance to the school and sat on the rim of the Indoor fountain.
"So how was your first day here" I was curious to know.
"It was alright I guess? I mean I got a friend on the first day! Just last period  a group of guys where messing with me for being so shy"
"Some guys I guess they didn't want me sitting near them and they kept complaining. One pinched the back of my neck which annoyed me, I murmured something under my breath but I don't think they heard me"
I want to know who these guys where, he is a new student and its normal for kids to be shy when they are new.
After 10 minutes Vanoss, Delirious, and Nogla finally made it to the fountain. Nogla was wearing his gym clothes now and I snickered.
"What do you want" he seemed ticked off
"I saw you get pushed into the fountain" I said while laughing
"You sH UT IT OR ILL PUSH YOU INTO THIS ONE!" I just kept laughing
Delirious noticed Mini and said something. "Hey Tyler who is that?" He asked and looked at mini who was just silently staring at him.
"Oh him? He's the new kid, his name is Craig but he goes by mini" I told him.
Vanoss looked at him
"Why min-" he was stopped when mini stood up."oh that's why"
"Don't say it like you" Nogla said
Mini just softly smiled." It's fine I'm used to I-it"
We all desired to walk home together to bond some more. So far this has been the best day  I've had in ages.

Ah cinnamon rolls United :)
Then there's Nogla

God damn it Nogla

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