Chapter 19

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Tyler's P.O.V

The police tracked down Jessica's phone and it said she was about an Hour away from Mini's house. I need to go save Craig. I can't take it anymore. It's killing me to know that he's suffering and that I can't help him. The police said they would follow us to her house, they'll get her and we'll try and find Craig.

*** time skip till there at Sata- i mean Jessica's house because I'm lazy***

"Destination on your Left" spoke the GPS as we entered a road that had big houses every now and then. I slammed on the breaks and looked at the house.
"Yo you don't need to kill me jfc" Evan said while he was holding onto the little handle above the door.
"Sorry, no time to talk" I replied as I turned off the car and stood outside. It was a very big house. 3 stories. Why would she need such a big house? I mean she was rich and could get whatever I guess.
"So this is her house?" Evan questioned and I nodded.
"Guess so" I looked back at the police. They were all hiding and waiting for something to happen. I sighed and knocked on the door to be greeted by Jessica.
"Tyler!!!" She gasped and gave me a hug. "You came back for me!" She smiled. I didn't hug her back.
"Where the hell is Craig" Her smile died.
"I knew that was why you were here"
"That didn't answer my question. Where. Is. He. " she went quite and tried to close the door put I kept it open.
"Evan go get the cops" I pushed Jessica down to the ground and ran. "Craig?!" I yelled as I ran through the building. No replies. I checked every room I saw and I couldn't find him.


I now looked EVERYWHERE in the house and I couldn't find him or anything. I was scared. What if he wasn't here?! What if she did something else to him?! I was now searching the rooms over again. I started in a guest room. I noticed a lot of clothes piled up in the closet and I decided to look through them. Never know... I thought. My hand touched something cold. The hell? I cleared the clothes off of it and saw a metal trap door.
"What the-" I mumbled under my breath as I opened it. It was heavy as HELL but I managed to open it. There was a latter down, so obviously I took it. It then changed to a stairwell. I saw what looked like a room and ran down the stairs, nearly falling down them. I saw a door and opened it. The room was dark, a single light in the middle but it was so dim that it couldn't light the whole room. I heard a soft sob.
"Craig...?" I whisper yelled. The next sob was cut off. I could only make out a mumble. "Who is in here? Where are you?" I asked into the darkness. Another mumble came out and I heard where it came from. Back right corner. I followed it over to see something, or someone, curled in a ball in the corner. As I walked closer, I saw who it was.
"Craig!" I yelled and ran to him. He looked up at me and his eyes widened as he smiled.
"Tyler!" He tried to get up but was stuck to a pole not to far. Not to mention that he looked like shit. He was only gone for a day or two and he was bruised, had a few cuts on his arms and legs from trying to get out of the chains, and dried blood marks on him.
"We're here to get you out" I had a pocket knife in my pocket and tried to mess with the chains. Not gonna do anything but you never know.
"We're?" He questioned.
"Evan, the police, and I" I replied.
"Ohhhh please hurry" he pleaded. "There's a axe some where, I know that because she would threaten me with it...." I got up and looked around for it. It was outside the room leaning on a wall. I grabbed it and ran back in.
"Move as far as you can, I'm trying to not hurt you here" I said as he pulled away. I swung the axe and it cut the chains, but not the cuffs on his legs or hands. He hugged me and I hugged him back. I missed this.
"Thank you so much Tyler" he spoke as calm as he could. I know he was crying since I felt tears land on my back.
"You're welcome Min, come on we have to get back up there." I said as I got up and walked to the staircase and latter up.


When we got to the surface Jessica was gone thank god.
"Craig!" Evan said as he hugged Him. Obviously Craig hugged him back.
"You're the one that was captured correct?" Asked one of the officers. Craig nodded
"Yes sir" the officer turned to me.
"Do you mind if we take him back to the station for questioning? It won't take long"
"Im perfectly fine with that officer."
"Alright. Let's go kid" he spoke as he lead Craig to the car.
"I'm so glad we got him back" I smiled.
"Agreed... I'm glad he's okay" Evan said.
"Yeah, thank god. If he wasn't I swear I would of killed that girl"
"Good" Evan chuckled as we got back to the car.

"Wait the books over??"
Pff  no I just wanted to say that :D

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