Chapter 24

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3rd person

It's was now Friday afternoon in 7th period; the time being 2:08. The dance wasn't till 5:30 because you know... girls take HOURS to get ready and shiz ((not sexist I'm a girl and it takes me 30 minutes to find a pair of jeans that matches a shirt lmao... then another 20 to do my hair and you know what let's get back to the story-)) also for guys to get ready, obviously probably taking up 30 minutes of that 3 hour time period. Tyler had just finished putting up the last book when the bell rang, he grabbed his stuff and walked outside of the library where Craig was waiting for him.
"Ready for the dance?" He questioned.
"Ready as I could ever be" Tyler smiled. His heart was beating probably 100 mph. Tyler had finally gained the courage to ask his best friend to be his boyfriend. He's been planning this all week.
After around a 7 minute walk to get out of the school building, the two guys parted ways. Tyler got home and decided to take a shower to try and calm down a little, and also to refresh from his long day of school.
Craig did the same. Craig looked at his tux that he had picked out the day before. It was white and had a light blue, almost Cyan, bowtie. He couldn't tie a tie to save his life so that's why he went with a bow tie.
Tyler had a regular black suit with a light grey tie, his also came with a small red flower pinned to the jacket.
By the time they both have changed it was around 4:28. Nearly an hour to go. Tyler decided to walk to Evans to meet up with him and Jon and walk to the school.
Tyler knocked on the door to see Evans mom smiling.
"Tyler you look so handsome!" She squeaked and hugged the taller man, he hugged her back.
"Thank you Ms Fong" he smiled and looked down at the shorter lady, probably a foot shorter than him. She led him to the living room where Evan and Jon were sitting and talking.
"Well look at you two love birds, you guys look great" He complemented.
They both had a black tux like Tyler. Evan had a Bow tie and Jon having a regular tie. Evan had a blue flower on his jacket and Jon had a red one, both of their favorite colors.
"You look great as well my good sir" Jon chuckled. Evan nodding to agree.
"I'm nervous... what if he doesn't say yes" Tyler splatted out.
"I'm 100% sure he'll say yes Ty, keep calm" Evan said as he put a hand on Tyler's shoulder.
Evans mom came back in.
"Aw! My boys have growned so much since freshman year!" She squealed as she held up a camera.
" Mommm" Evan whined. She gave him puppy eyes and he gave in. "Fine, go ahead" she clapped quickly with a squeal and held up the camera.
"Smile!!" She said and took a photo of the three guys. She wiped a tear from her eyes.
"It's already 5:15" Jon spoke up.
"Alright mom, I'll be back later" Evan said as he gave his now Crying mother a hug and leaving the door with Tyler and Jonathan.
"They grow up so fast...."

Craig's P.O.V

Lui and I decided to walk to prom together since his house was only 2 houses away now. I waited outside under a great oak tree I had, fixing and fidgeting with my sleeves and buttons.
"Hey hey!" I hear Lui yell from the driveway next to mine. I looked up and smiled.
"Heyo!" Lui ran to me.
"Looking fresh as ever my dude" He smiled.
"Thank you, you too"
Lui's hair was slicked back as he had only a white button top, black vest, and black dress pants and shoes on. I still don't get how he's single ((HONHON))
"Come on, the dance starts soon!" Lui grabbed my arm and dragged me across the road.... nearly getting us hit by a car...
"Yo calm down! I don't want to die! yet" I practically yelled. He only replied with a high pitched whoops.

**time skip till the dance**

We walked in to be greeted by Evan, Jon and Tyler.
"We've been expecting you~" Jon teased with a dark deep voice which made me laugh.
"Oh no~~" I chuckled.
"Oh thank god someone went along with that. I said that when I got to Evans and I got a punch in the arm" he looked over at Evan who was rubbing the back of his neck. "It fuckin' hurt too"
"Whoops" Evan teased.
I looked towards Tyler.
"You look handsome tonight" I spoke, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Thank you, you do also" He smiled and kissed my hand.
"I already love being this third wheel" Lui squeaked and took a photo. "This is for year book!"
"NO" we yelled in unison making Lui burst out laughing.
"Fine, I won't" he laughed out.
"You better not" Tyler growled which made me laugh.
"Come on guys, stop fighting, let's just have fun!" I smiled. They all nodded and we separated. Jon and Evan to the punch bowl, and Lui and I dragging Tyler to the dance floor.
"Come on! It's one dance!" Lui whined.
"NO" Tyler yelled.
"Please Tyler??" I gave him puppy dog eyes and he still declined. I sighed.
"I'll dance tonight but not now..."
"You're gonna dance?!" My eyes lit up.
"Yeah why not I guess, I'm not confident right now though" he sighed and dragged both Lui and I to the corner where some of the others were. Nogla, Brock, Marcel, and Brian were all in the corner talking, Nogla ,of course, yelling.
"TYLERRR MY MAIN MANN" Nogla yelled making the others look towards us and they smiled.
"Look at you two" Brock smirked. I blushed a little.
"Shush" I chuckled. Marcel went over to Tyler and started to talk to him softly as I was talking with the other group. Around 30 minutes passed and Tyler walked away with Marcel. He usually tells me where he's going, I'm fine with him leaving though, we all have life's of our own.
Another 15 minutes and I felt someone tap my shoulder, it was Tyler. He looked pretty nervous.
"Hey Craig can I talk to you in private for a few?" He asked and I nodded. As we walked away I heard the group snickering.

Tyler dragged me through the crowd and outside to the back of the school. The sun was setting giving it a soft pastel purple and pink ombré effect, it was beautiful.

((Kinda like the one in the beginning of the chapter but with the blue being a little lighter also sorry for bad photo I took this on my way home lol))

"What did you need me for?" I asked and he inhaled.
"Craig, we've known each other for over a year now and it's been amazing. I loved spending time with you. When you went missing I was practically going crazy" he said softly.
"I could tell, whenever I called you, you seemed panicked" I laughed and he chuckled and took another inhale.
"Craig what I'm trying to say is.... will... will you be my boyfriend" he asked. I blushed a pink color. Time had slowed down just then. The petals around us slowly falling and a soft breeze making them move towards us.
"H-Huh?" I questioned full of shock.
"I want you to be mine Craig.... I love you so much...." he whispered. I was in so much shock. I had to be as red as a tomato.
I nodded while jumping up and down.
"Yes yes YES!" I tackled him into a hug and he hugged me back while giving me a soft kiss on the lips. I loved every moment of this. When we pulled away his face was a dark crimson color.
"I was afraid you would say no..." he chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Why would I say no?!"
"Well you were taking awhile to process what was happening..."
"Imsosorry!" I said very fast as I hugged him again.
"Oh no its fine! I'm okay, I think. My heart honestly stopped" that made me laugh.
"Imagine that story headline. 'Guy found dead! Cause if death. Anticipation!'" I chuckled out with a deep voice, causing Tyler to laugh. He then grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes.
"Come on, we don't want the others to worry" he smiled before kissing me again. I nodded as we walked back in, hand and hand.

I Really like doing fluff ☺️ Especially Gay fluff~~💖

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