Chapter 11

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"You think she is dead?" A voice came from above Mackenzie. She shot up grabbing the rock next to her.

"Get away from her." Another guy said from up the beach a bit. She growled at them holding up the rock ready to throw. She could smell that they were wolves. All three of them. The closest one to her was a ginger, with bright green eyes, and he was smiling at her. The other two looked like brothers, tall brunettes, freckles covering their cheeks, and light hazel eyes. All looked happy, innocent, and friendly. All were good looking, but that wasn't what she was concerned with. She had to tell if they were friends or foe and her heart was saying foe. But her head was telling her that they were friendly. But it wasn't really her head, it was almost like a second voice was saying it to her.

"Are you okay?" One of the brothers asked. She growled again taking a step back.

"Here." The ginger said taking off his shirt. Mackenzie's eyes go wide. He puts up his hands in defense, he tosses over the red shirt to her. She hesitates buts quickly grabs the shirt and throws in on. It was big enough to drop past her butt, hiding all of her private parts.

"Are you hungry or cold?" One of the brothers asked this was the one farther away from her. Mackenzie nodded her head.

"Here." The other tossed her his jacket, and just like the shirt, it was big. "We have a house not too far from here. We have food there." She shook her head no backing up. Now the water was splashing against her ankles.

"You don't have to worry, we are all werewolves here." The ginger said.

"I am not a werewolf," Mackenzie said lifting the rock again in defense.

"Of course you are, we can smell it on you." He said.

"She doesn't know, she is recently changed." The brother further up the beach said. "Those marks on your arms, and in the crevice of your neck. It happened last night, didn't it? That's why you were in the river wasn't it." She stared at her left arm, she could still see the bite marks from months ago, but now new ones formed.

"It's okay you are safe now." The other brother said. "That second voice you are hearing, does it trust us or does it want you to run away." She jerked her head up staring at him in surprise.

"It is your werewolf, she is trying to guide you. You can trust her, I'm Trent." The ginger said half waving.

"Jason." The brother closer to her said.

"John." The last one said. All of them kept a small smile on their face trying to not scare her.

She could feel the voice, almost like it was her but it wasn't her at the same time. Every part about that voice said to go forward with them, to trust them. But she wasn't about to trust strangers, especially werewolf strangers.

"Why don't I stay here, and you guys go make us some sandwiches and grab us two blankets," Jason said. They both nodded their head running back into the forest.

They stood in silence for about ten minutes before he broke it. "What's your name?" Jason said.

"Why do you want to know?" Mackenzie said.

"I want to be your friend. You look like you need a friend." Jason said, he sat down on a log, patting the section next to him. She went to the farthest end of the log and sat down.

"It's Mackenzie." She said after a moment.

"Kenzie," Jason said, and she shivered with disgust. "No not Kenzie, how about Mac?" She smiled up at him, her and her inner voice both agreed to the word.

"I made eight sandwiches and I even found some brownies in the fridge," Trent said walking out of the forest. John was behind him holding two blankets. He placed them on the beach, separated from each other. Trent put two sandwiches and the plate of brownies on one blanket and then sat down on the other. John and Jason joining him.

"That's for you." John said pointing at the other blanket "and here are these." He threw some sweats to the side of her. She grabbed them and slipped them on. They were huge but comfy. She sat down on the blanket taking a giant bite of the sandwich. It was some of the best food she has had for some time. After half the sandwich she went for the brownies. They were moist and gooey just how she liked them.

"Wow, you can eat," Trent said, on his second sandwich now.

"Did you guys bring any water or milk?" Jason asked. Trent shook his head, yes, throwing him the backpack. It was filled with different types of drinks. But Jason didn't take any just tossed it over to Mackenzie. She opened it and guzzled down three bottles of water.

"This is Mac guys, and she is going to live with us for a while," Jason said after two minutes of silence. "We will give her the main room okay?" Mackenzie looked at them with wild eyes but both boys agreed. "I know this is confusing for you, and we can't imagine the hell that you have been through. But you are now a changed werewolf. They are rare, but you will need help controlling yourself." Mackenzie placed down the sandwich, already full of the brownies. She hasn't even touched the second one yet.

"Just trust your inner wolf," John said.

"Think about it, we will be a family," Trent said jumping up and down on the spot like a little kid.

"We want to help," Jason said. Finally, Mackenzie nodded her head, she wanted to trust them.

"I've always wanted a sister," Trent said cheers in the air. "Family Dinkleberg." Allt three can't help but stare strangely at him.

"Dinkleberg isn't even your last name," John said.

"It was also the guy the dad cursed on Fairly Oddparents," Mackenzie said.

"Fine, you chose a name," Trent said, fake pouting. It was strange to see a 24-year-old point, but at the same time Mackenzie couldn't help but smile.

"Mac can pick our family name when she decides to stay for good," Jason said.

"Sounds good to me." Both John and Trent said at the same time.

"I'm not staying here forever," Mackenzie said.

"Of course, it is only if you want to stay," Jason said giving her a smile. "For now though, let's help you get better."

"Thank you," Mackenzie said, she smiled a spark of happiness climbed through her, finally a little light of hope.

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