Chapter 62

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Part 3

"How is everything going?" Collin asked taking a seat in Mac's office. It came off quite a big surprise that not only did Mac ask for him but Chloe as well.

"Great, well that is a lie, it was one hell of a month but I think everything has finally calmed down," Mac said taking a seat at her desk. 

After she took over Alpha's Brett pack she did have to go meet with the council to declare herself as Alpha of such a large pack, she also announced them that she is a shifter which they were surprised about but in the end just made her fill out more paperwork. Finally, after all the paperwork she had finally finished and came home to find the pack eternally fighting. She ended up letting a few people go because they refused to bow down to her. She was fine with that, she wasn't going to force anybody to stay. But if they did stay they would have to follow her rules and they were not at all allowed to spill her secret. But after a month of running the pack, everything was working properly.

"Well you are doing an amazing job," Chloe said. Everybody welcomed them with open arms into the pack including Mac. However, they did opt to live outside of the original pack house wanting their own home not too far away.

"Thanks but I wanted to talk to you guys about something. Collin, I know you were Beta of your last pack, but Jason is my Beta and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"That's alright I understand," Collin said, he didn't want to take over the pack or anything.

"I do however know you are a skilled fighter and I would like it if you would be my third in command along with John. I know it isn't normal to have two-thirds in command but, let's face it nothing about my life is normal." Mac said smiling, but it didn't reach her lips. Chloe couldn't help but remark on how she never quite smiled like she used to.

"I will be honored but how does John feel about this?" Collin asked.

"He is more than okay with this. There are over a hundred wolves in this pack, whether they are human, shifter, or wolf I want them trained and at top shape. It won't be an easy feat, but I believe John and you will work together to do a good job."

"You won't be disappointed, I promise," Collin stated.

"I never thought I would," Mac replied smiling at him.

"This is great news, but I'm not sure why I am here," Chloe asked, she was happy for Collin but this didn't affect her that much.

"Yes about that, now I have ground quite fond of both you. Even before you joined the pack I considered you part of it. You are family, just like how the others in the original Nexus pack are family. Which is why I will finally tell you the truth. I know the rest of the pack has its suspensions, most of them thinking I'm just an amazing shifter."

"Well, what else could you be?" Chloe asked.

"The Black Luna," Collin said finally putting two and two together. "You are, aren't you."

"Guess I wasn't that good at hiding my secret," Mac said standing up.

"No you did, but that would explain so many things. Wait are you Vamp, the vampire Gage has a crush on?" Collin asked he noticed the slight flinch in the face when he mentioned Gage.

"Yes, Vamp is my vampire side and War is my werewolf side. Combined I make the Black Luna," Mac said.

"How did you...." Chloe asked trying to wrap her head around everything. Mac sighed before going through everything; about Matt and her friendship, Derrick, Sandy, Jasmine, Victor, Michelle, about the night she became a vampire, and Zane. 

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