Chapter 9

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"Get up." Mackenzie felt the shock of a cold water splash on her face like she felt every morning. She lost count after day 60. Everyday blended in with each other at least she could tell it was spring, but she didn't know how long she has been stuck in this house.

Michelle was standing over her with a bucket in hand. "It is Sandy's half birthday, time to celebrate."

"What day is it?" Mackenzie asked.

"April 7th," Michelle said. 90 days. Exactly three months in this hell and today was her birthday nonetheless. Well here is hoping for a birthday miracle. "Now hurry the hell up," Michelle said, dropping the bucket onto Mackenzie's head. She caught it just in time, used to this being Michelle's morning routine.

Mackenzie's mornings were very routine. She would wake up to water being poured on her by Michelle as her alarm clock. From there she would try to clean herself up with the sink that was in the room. She had an old rag that she would use to wash with. She would try to clean her clothes at least once a week. But they were her only pair and she hated sleeping on the concrete floor with nothing on while they dried. At this point, they were disgusting looking and had multiple holes in them. But they covered her enough so she was happy, well as happy as she could be. Her hair was now buzzed, Sandy got pissed a couple of weeks ago for finding a brunette hair on her carpet so Sandy decided for her it was best to shave it all off. She would still pour water through it every morning and give it a run through with her hands trying to keep it semi-clean.

From there she would run upstairs to make them breakfast, while they ate she would clean the parent rooms. Once they were done with breakfast she would clean the kitchen and then go onto to clean Derrick and Sandy's room. Her favorite part was in Jasmine's room. Jasmine would let her sit and occasionally sneak her food. Sometimes if the parents were out of the house Jasmine would let her take a shower and brush her hair with a real brush instead of her hand. But lately, they have been spending their days inside. 

She would then make lunch for them before she started cleaning the living room, dining room, and office. Around six she would then make dinner and dessert. As soon as they were done she would go downstairs to sleep, exhausted from the long day.

Lately, Victor would break up her schedule because he would need a test dummy to help with Derricks training. She hated these days because Derrick would attack in both wolf and human form. She wouldn't put up much of a defense, knowing that if she did it would only cause her more pain. She was freaked for the majority of the first month still trying to understand how werewolves existed but now she has just learned this to be her normal everyday life.

She didn't mind her routine anymore. The first month was hell as soon as she healed even a little bit she tried to run away. Broke a couple windows trying to crawl out, jumped off of the second story balcony, and one time took a knife to Jasmine. It was Jasmine's plan, hoping that maybe they both could escape. But at last none of them worked. So she would stick to her routine and try to hide as much as possible, waiting for the eventual beating or inappropriate touching. She was actually very thankful for the hair cut. Derrick was finally leaving her alone. 

She stared at herself in the mirror, she could see small scratches covered her arms and back. Indentations of dog bit were permanently imprinted into her arm from Derricks first bite, another cicatrix covered her opposite side from last weeks training. She was slowly becoming more and more disgusted with her body. It was no longer hers but the memories of what has happened in this house.

She tried to avoid the mirror as much as possible but while cleaning Sandy's closet today, she couldn't help but glance up, staring at the hollow looking girl who was looking back.

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