Chapter 61

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Her group could feel the invisible wall disappear once she was off campus. Jason looked around to see the pack confused, not sure what was going on.

"Code red," Jason finally said sighing. The confused looked quickly turned to anxious looks, none of them happy Mac ran off without them. "All of you," Jason said pointing at some of the girls that were shifters and some of the newest fighters, "Stay here with me, the rest of you head out as soon as she tells us where."

"Do you really believe she will tell us where she went?" Trent questioned he was holding Katie tightly against his body, trying to calm his wolf.

"I think she will," Jason said, but even he didn't know. He pulled Maddy against him, nuzzling into her neck.

Good news guys, there is only a little over fifty, Mac said through the mind link. Two miles from our border, I will take down as many as possible. Remember we don't aim to kill and I will take care of Brett and his beta.

"You heard what she said, off you go," Jasi said worried and pissed about the circumstances. The fighters give a last kiss to their mate or hugs to their friends before heading out of the cafeteria. They could hear when the motors rev before they peel out of the driveway. The bell signaling the end of lunch sounding after that.

Good luck, Jason mind linked to the group, there were only eleven, including Mac so the odds weren't in their favor.

Mac arrived at the forest line, not seeing any of the wolves but she could feel them they were close. Ten stepped out and she instantly used her power to lift them up and smash them into the nearest tree. She took a deep breath feeling the toll it was taking on her to use her power that much. She could feel more deep within the forest, but she was going to wait for them to come to her.

She could feel Vamp a the surface, but War wouldn't come out. Angry about the fight she just had with her mate. Mac knew she needed both to take down this pack. "Come on War I need you," Mac said to herself trying to pull her out. She needed them both at full force, Vamp with her powers and War with her fighting skills.

She see's about thirty wolves step out of the forest, all of them pointed at her.

"This should be fun," Mac said before running at full force at the nearest wolf. She slammed into him, him flying straight into another wolf. Both knocked out. The rest of the wolves looked surprised at first, but then they send out a loud howl before charging at her.

"Shit," Mac said to herself, she sends out a kick towards one, a punch at another. She tries to punch again but she screams out in pain when she feels one bite down on her elbow, a crunching sound echoing in her ear. "Fuck off," She said throwing a punch towards him. She can feel War finally start to wake up, she lets them both take control. She can feel the power from them, the power from her Alpha mark, and the power from the moon even though it was mid afternoon.

The wolves pause for a moment, feeling the power radiate off of her, before attacking her again. She kicked out again the wolf flying easily 12 feet away, knocked out. She sent a right punch another wolf flying away. She wasn't controlling her strength, just in pure survival mode right now. She could feel after twenty minutes of fighting the wolves that her energy was depleted, she reached out grabbing a hold of one of the bigger ones by the muzzle, sucking some of the energy out of him, misplacing her injuries on him. He whined out backing up, shocked at the pain radiating from his body.

She turned shocked to when a loud growl came from her right. It was her group, running straight at her and the wolves. Half of them in wolf form and the other half in human form. She sent a kick to the nearest wolf, instantly knocking it out. She could easily count that only seventeen of the thirty wolves were left, easy pickings for her group.

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