Chapter 35

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"You know you are so cute, watching me in gym class today," Jason said, he had her pinned against a locker peppering her with kisses. The school day was over, but they were running late wanting to spend some alone time away from the group. This morning they took all three cars, so they could go grab dinner by themselves, have a proper first date.

"I wasn't watching you," Mac said, but her blush gave her away.

"Sure you weren't," Jason said. He was the star athlete in class today, normally he would keep his head down, but with Mac working out on the weight machines made him want to show off a bit. Easily being the best fighter in the group.

"You know, I saw you use my move," Mac said, she reached up wrapping her arms around his neck, her fingers playing with the ends of his hair.

"You mean this move," Jason said bending his head and kissing her gently on the lips. "I love you," Jason said when he broke apart.

"Help." A voice echoed through the halls before Mac could say anything back. Jason didn't want to let go, but Mac was out of his arms in a second running down the hall towards the voice.

What Mac and Jason saw was worse than anything they have seen at school or when they fought rogues. She wasn't sure if the guy was alive or dead and he didn't look like he belonged here, he was young, younger than most. He looked just a little older than fifteen. Blood was pooling around him, but the four guys above him didn't stop kicking him.

"Stop," Mac said using her Alpha voice, they all flinched looking up at her.

"What are you doing here human?" It was the football guy from the first day, he wasn't part of Gage's pack but Alpha's Brett and he was a huge asshole as Mac discovered that day.

"If you don't step away from him right now I will hurt all of you," Mac said.

"Mac don't," Jason said trying to grab her arm. She jerked it out of his grip giving him an angry look.

"Now listen like a good little mate and get the hell out of here," the guy said giving the kid another kick.

Mac didn't hesitate, it was like she glided over the hallway in seconds, her right hook making contact with the football players nose. One of the other guys with a red shirt went to tackle her and she sent a kick to his stomach, he flew back into the locker knocked out, the next two guys came at her at once, one got a hold of her upper body wrapping his arms around her waist, the other sent a punch to her stomach. She groaned but leaned back throwing the guy behind her off balance. She kicked up hitting the guy in front of her in the face. He stumbled back, tripping over the guy with the broken nose. She threw her weight forward before slamming her head back, it crushed the guy's nose and he let go of her arms. The two guys with the broken noses and the guy with the bruised chin started circling her. Mac sent a right hook and then a quick left jab, while at the same time sending a kick behind her. The guy in front fell down to the ground knocked out and the guy behind her flew into a locker knocked out as well. All that was left was her and the football guy.

"Bitch." He said lunging at her, she had enough time to grab his shirt by the collar and spin, he went flying crashing into the locker and landing on the guy she just kicked. She looked up puffing her hair out of her face glaring at Jason.

"Didn't want to step in?" Mac asked annoyed.

"You had it handle, I would only get in the way," Jason said. Mac was about to yell at him but she heard a small groan come from the kid below her.

"Kid are you okay," Mac said leaning down next to him, blood was everywhere and she didn't even know where it started. "We need to get him back to the house now," Mac said. She looked up and down the hallway, thankfully it was after school and nobody was in sight. She gently lifted him up with her mind, him hovering mid air. She moved him gently all the way to their car to afraid that she might hurt him even more.

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