Chapter 66

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"Gage," Mac said barely above a whisper.

She just woke up surprised to find Gage on the side of her. Her back was already healing but the blood still left a thick scent in the air. She looked over at her arm to see the wolf's bite still etched into her skin. She knew as soon as the wolf bit into her that he had wolfsbane on him and that Zane was close. She tried to protect Gage, but when she looked past her hurt arm she could see Gage chained up and knocked up.

His arms were chained to the wall while his legs were chained in a V formation on the ground. Mac was the same way, except her chains weren't made of silver, instead, her chains were made of palladium, she could feel the sting sear through her wrist. 

The room was white, with just a single silver tray table to the left, she could see the bags of blood and of liquid silver covering the table along with needles spread out. She gulped remembering the first time her eyes landed on needles. A flash of the pain she felt radiated through her body. 

It was a new place and much more modern than the last and also more expensive. She pulled at the chains but a searing pain flickered through her. She rested her wrist, smelling her flesh burn her nostrils. She looked down surprised to find her normal brown hair instead of any disguise she had. It was longer than she remembered, blood, mud, and leaves caked into the tips of it. Almost like she was dragged through the mud for miles.

"You're finally awake," Zane announced walking in the room. "Good, it is about time. It has been a couple of hours."

"What do you want?" She was glad Gage wasn't awake, the longer he slept the less pain he would feel.

"You ask me that every time, I think it is obvious now what I want," Zane muttered. 

"Okay, you want me for experiments, I get that. What do you want with Gage?" Mac asked she couldn't help but glance at him. His face showing the slightest bit of pain.

"I don't really want him, I was going to kill him. But then I thought, I could use him. You have always been against my experiments. Screaming and kicking when I put the silver in. With the pallidum, you kept breaking the needle when it was put into your arm. The fact you kept trying to tip over the chair and bite me when I was testing your healing powers was just plain annoying and last time, running away before I could even capture you, that last one disappointed me most, " Zane muttered, he breaks the bag of blood he was holding, it staining the white floor. "I even had to teach my assistant a lesson because he wasn't watching you properly." He leaves it there, picking up the next one inserting the needle, he walks over to Gage inserting it into his arm. Gage flinches a bit but doesn't wake up. "All I ever wanted was for you to help me with my experiments. See what I see, get excited about what I get excited about, but no you fought and fought and fought. So when I was shooting at Gage and you stepped in the way, the idea popped into my mind. You care for him, enough to risk your life. You do realize the power you gave me when you took those bullets right" Zane finished going back to sitting in front of Mac.

"I don't care." Mac said, bluffing.

"I was hoping you would say that," Zane said gleefully, he stood up heading over to the pile of bags. He put a glove on before grabbing a hold of one of the silvers bags. He squeezes it until it breaks just like the blood bag did. He then raised it in the air, wanting Mac to see how much silver he held. He then walked over splashing the handful at Gage. Mac bit down on her lip, knowing what was going to happen next. The memory of it happening to her fresh in her mind. 

It takes a moment but Gage starts screaming, screaming at the top of his lungs. His eyes fluttered open and he looked down at himself, his chest blotchy red where the silver touched. What he could tell it looked like second-degree burns on his chest. He pulled at his chains but then felt a burn spread like a wildfire on his wrist. He knew immediately what was on these chains. Silver, wolfsbane, and a metal he never thought he would feel burn his arms again. He didn't have much time to think about it, Zane throwing silver at him once again. This time he bit his lip holding in the pain. He glanced over at Mac seeing the look of worry cover her features.

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