Chapter 18

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"I will get out of here and I will kill you," Mac said. She pulled against her cuffs a shooting ache of soreness ran down her arm.She whined but bit down on her lip to keep it in.

She was sitting on the floor her arms tied to the wall to the side of her. Her feet were no longer tied down anymore and she was grateful. Now she could either stretch them out or sit criss-cross applesauce. She was in a completely white room, subway tiles lining the wall and floor. It was claustrophobic at first, but now she was use to it. She wasn't sure what was worse. Sandy and Derrick's house or this place. At least here she was fed well and cleaned on a daily bases. But the pain was worse.

"I doubt that." He said giving her some water. He called himself Zane, which Mac didn't know was his real name or not.

Everyday was the same. Zane would wake her up with a little jostle. He would first brush her teeth for her and then give her a glass of water to drink. Once done with that he would leave for a moment coming back with a breakfast tray. Today was a waffle with a happy face on it made out of whip cream and strawberries. He had a glass of orange juice and a single flower in a vase. He would sit there telling her stories while he hand fed her food. It was normally about the same thing. His science experiments.

For years he has been testing werewolf and shifters trying to find ways to "improve them" as he put it. His main test that he couldn't find a way around is making a shifter or werewolf immune to wolfsbane and silver.

Mac didn't really know much about wolfsbane, but within the last month, she has learned everything she can about it. It is a drug aconite that makes werewolves pass out. Almost like a sedative.

With silver she knew one thing right away, werewolves aren't meant to mix with it. She found this out on the first day. After he pumped her up with wolfsbane, enough to make her groggy but not enough to put her under. He then sprinkled silver on her. It burned like little spots of fire being pressed into her body. Everyday he would sprinkle silver onto until she screamed out in pain, everyday increasing the amount of silver he poured on her. She healed by the morning, so it was never a problem for him to start again. Lately though, it didn't burn as much as did in the beginning and she would heal within the hour. This only made Zane perform more experiments.

At this point, she was no longer linked up to a wolfsbane iv drip but just chained up in silver cuffs. She knew that her skin around her wrist was practically gone, it is burned away by the silver. She didn't feel too much pain from the cuffs unless she moved to much and the silver would touch her raw skin.

"It's time." Zane said taking away the breakfast tray. She knew what that meant. It was time for silver to be poured. He came back with a full cup, he waits a second pulling his medical tray closer. His medical journal where he records everything written down on it. He writes down the date and time before pulling his recorder out.

"Today is July 4th, 7 am. Patient 223, or as I like to call her Silver." Mac never gave him her name, nor did he ever ask. "She is fed and cleaned off. I will be pouring 12 oz of silver and increase of 1 oz from last experiment." He puts the recorder down and holds the cup above her head. "Three, two, one." Zane said. She could feel the cool liquid splatter on her face. This time it was like somebody threw a cool bucket of ice water on her face, she flinched a bit but didn't scream out in pain.

"Good, good," Zane said in delight writing down what just happened with enthusiasm.

Mac just turned her head trying to shake the silver off.

"You know, you are the first not to die within the first week," Zane said to Mac. "I can't even believe you have made it a month." He patted her on the head like he would his pet dog before walking out of the room. Talking to his recorder about the results.

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