Chapter 53

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"So I didn't hear you come home last night," Katie said meeting Mac at her locker. Mac didn't say anything just started shoving her books her locker. "Does that mean you had a fun night?"

"By fun night you mean waiting on the side of the road for two hours only to realize I got stood up. Then yes awesome night." Mac grumbled out.

"What the hell is wrong with that boy?" Katie said angerly, she looked around but couldn't see him anywhere.

"What boy? Are you going to finally tell me what happened last night?" Trent said walking up and throwing his arm over Katie's shoulder.

"There's a boy?" Ethan asked smiling at Mac wiggling his eyebrows.

"No, no boy. I'm going to die alone," Mac said slamming her locker closed.

"Well aren't you cheery this morning," Ethan said.

"Well I woke up this morning to realize as soon as Brett gets home, we are..." Mac said signing out "F.U.C.K.E.D. So you know super cheery about life." She didn't wait for them to respond just headed towards her history class taking a seat in the front. Collin walked in a minute before the bell rang and Mac was delighted to not see Gage. She was not ready to deal with that drama just yet. Collin took the seat next to her, leaving his pack in the back.

"Can we talk?" Collin asked.

"You two separate now," Stephanie said as soon as class started.

"No," Mac said her alpha tone seeping out, it sent a shiver through the whole class. She knew she shouldn't do that but she really didn't want move.

Stephanie didn't say anything, just huffed out with annoyance and left the classroom.

"Yes?" Mac asked looking over at Collin who was giving her a strange look. He knew Mac was strong as a human, but the way she just spoke made him feel weird.

"It's about Gage," Collin said.

"Then no," Mac said, she turned to face the whiteboard but there was nothing, in particular, that could distract her.

"His dad came to town early," Collin said.

"So?" Mac said.

"That's why he couldn't make it," Collin said.

"Well he could have called or texted, smoke signal something," Mac said annoyed not only at Gage but how the conversation was going. "Look, Collin, I know how hard this is to believe especially where we are sitting right now but we aren't in high school. I'm a grown ass women and I'm not going to be waiting around staring at my phone waiting for somebody to text me or to show me a little bit attention." Mac said. Collin nodded his head if Mac was his little sister and Gage wasn't his best friend that would be the exact advice he would give her, so who was he to protest.

"So Chloe has training today?" Collin asked.

"Yes, but pre warn her because of the whole Alpha Brett thing it will be a tough one," Mac said happy for the change of subject.

"Look if you need more backup or anything I would be more than happy to help and I'm sure Matt would be as well," Collin said, "Maybe we can even train with you guys this way we can all teach each other something."

"Sounds great," Mac said sending him a fake smile. It wasn't that she didn't want Collin or Matt to train with her, it was more that she wasn't happy today.

"Here she is Principal Potter, the trouble maker," Stephanie walked into the classroom with an older guy, he was bald with a full gray beard, and glasses covering half of his face.He looked like he couldn't care less, but he knew Stephanie wouldn't leave him alone otherwise.

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