Chapter 29

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"Come on you honestly can't be that slow," Mac said, she was leading Brad, Susie, and Chloe in a run around the property. The truth was she was happy that they weren't as fast the boys and Katie. Right now, after the fight with Gage, she was feeling exhausted, elated, excited, and moody. Every part of her was going in different directions and it was making it really hard for her to put all of her effort in training today.

"Why." Brad painted out. " much."

"It is very important to be in shape, and even more important to be able to run from a fight. Especially before I fully train you." Mac said. "One more lap."

"Please no," Chloe said.

"Fine, but we do have to finish this last lap with a sprint to the house, loser does the dishes," Mac shouted, she picked up her speed fast enough to be ahead of them but slow enough that it would still be considered human speed.

Chloe was the last by a long shot. Mac was actually kind of surprised at how out of shape she was.

"Dinner time." Brad said "Sorry Chloe." He and Susie went inside collapsing in the living room. The new house was almost done, probably only had a week of renovations left. Now it was twelve bedrooms, two living rooms, two formal dining rooms, two kitchens, and a plethora of bathrooms. Mac did move rooms, hers was now upstairs and was a bit bigger than her old one. She didn't really want it but the group insisted.

"Hey Chloe, can we talk?" Mac asked.

"Chloe," Collin said from the side, he pulled up in the driveway parking his large red truck.

"One second Collin," Chloe said. "Actually, babe can you um maybe do the dishes?"

"What?" Collin asked he got out of the truck walking up to them.

"Can you please do the dishes for little old me," Chloe said. Mac laughed looking at the two of them. "Mac and I have to talk."

"Not really going to explain why you are making me do the dishes, but okay I guess so," Collin said, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran inside. Mac could feel her stomach drop, she loved her life but part of her wanted something like that.

"You too are cute," Mac said, she looked over to see Chloe full out crying.

"I know I suck, I'm a disgrace and I shouldn't be trained," Chloe said.

"Um, wow, no not at all what I was going to say," Mac said. "I was going to say we should have private training session just until you have caught up with the group."

"What?" Chloe said, she stared up at Mac with her big brown eyes. "You aren't giving up on me."

"What, no of course not," Mac said, she guided Chloe over to the porch steps and both sat down.

"Truth is when I first started training I was horrible. My life was a super mess, I was afraid of my own shadow. But now I have my friends, I can run ten miles easily, and well I kick ass." Mac said smiling. It was rare when she just truly sat an appreciated what her life has become, through the hell of it all she was still smiling.

"What did you mean when you told Gage about that you will never let anybody hurt you again?" Chloe said. Mac's smile fell and she looked at the ground, her hair falling in front of her face.

"Truth is Chloe that is a long story and it just keeps getting longer by the day," Mac said.

"I'm a good listener," Chloe said.

"Thank you, but I'm not quite ready for my story to be told, nothing personal. I actually have only told John, Jason, Trent, and Katie. But that was also because well they were the ones to save me." Mac said.

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