Chapter 55

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" Mac" He kneeled in the puddle of blood taking her hand. "You need to fight it," he said to her and she nodded, she knew what he met. It felt like she was dying but she couldn't die, not like this.

"What is happening?" Ethan barked out, the group shivered and looked at him but nobody answered, except Principal Potter.

"Her mate is marking another," Principal Potter said.

"What?" Katie said.

"Her mate, he is marking another. Even though they have grown close he still has picked somebody else," he said.

"No," John said his voice was soft. "She can't die."

"She isn't dying what are you talking about?" Allen asked he grabbed some towels handing them to Jason to put against the crevice of her neck. She had stopped screaming, now she was just lying there writhing in pain.

"She is," John said remembering his paper that he wrote for his science class, "when two mates grow close it becomes a powerful force, almost like they are one. But if they have grown close and then one of them marks another it is the ultimate act of betrayal."

"Get to the point, John," Maddy shouted.

"It is murder," Jazz said. "She is being killed by her mate, while he marks another."

"She doesn't have a mate," Jason shouted.

"Here," Justin said, he had a red hot spatula in his hand, "I'm going to cauterize the wound." Everybody gave him a weird look but still got out of the way.

"She does have a mate," Katie said, she couldn't help the tears, none of them could.

"Get away from her," Trent said worried about her, but he still didn't stop him.

"No, this is good, it can stop the bleeding," Allen said helping Justin have enough room to press the hot spatula into her shoulder, she didn't scream out in pain but a small groan left her lips so they knew she was alive. The bleeding stopped and the smell of seared flesh hit all of their nostrils.

"Who's her mate?" Susie asked she wasn't good with blood so she was hiding behind Brad.

"She made me promise not to say it," Katie said.

"It is best if you keep her promise," The wife said, she was holding onto Phoebe who was crying into her shoulder.

"What do we do, how do we save her?" Trent asked he was gently stroking her hair.

The whole room was silent, watching as Mac's breaths became shallower and shallower.

"Vampire," Jason said, a memory plague his thoughts. The one memory he never wished to think about again but at this point, it was the only thing he could think about. Trent's birthday and the day Mac died and turned into a vampire.

"She died that day, but came back as a vampire," Jason said.

"I'm not sure if her vampire side will save her this time," Principal Potter said.

"I think that is exactly what will save her," Jason said his thoughts forming together, "The other day she healed me and all my wounds. Maybe she can transfer her wound to us. Like we take on her pain and this way she can heal."

"She doesn't have enough energy," Justin said, she wasn't opening her eyes her breaths getting slower and slower.

"Blood, she can drink our blood," Jason said he didn't hesitate to grab a knife from the table and cut his wrist.

"What the hell Jason," Maddy said grabbing a towel to stop the bleeding but he gently pushed her away pressing his bleeding wrist against Mac's lips, after a minute he could feel her slightly sucking against his wrist.

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