Chapter 33

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"You know, you storming off is really hot." A voice said to the side. Vamp leaning against the tree smiling at Jason. He turned around surprised to see her.

"Vamp," Jason couldn't help but shout. He ran over picking her up but didn't kiss her. For some reason, he felt in a way like it was cheating. "Can I see Mac?"

"Sorry hun, I am juicing on vampire juice and can't seem to let my control go. But I don't consider it a bad thing do you?" Vamp said she was tracing her finger over his chest causing him to gulp. He wasn't ever really around Vamp that much. He probably has only seen her twice in the last couple of months. He loved Mac, but this side of her scared him and because of his past with his parents, he partly hated this side of her.

"Juicing?" Jason asked letting her go. He took a step back, but Vamp took a step closer. 

"Zane shot Mac...I mean us up with a bunch of vampire blood, now I'm juicing like I am on steroids." Vamp said she smiled at him still tracing her finger over his chest. "He stupidly shot me up with so much the Wolfsbane stopped working so I got away. Sadly didn't kill him though, he locked himself in his damn panic room."

"What are you doing here?" Jason asked pulling her hand away. He didn't like the look Vamp had in her eye. Almost like what a predator had when looking at its prey. He wanted Mac's big blue eyes to look at him, not Vamps pure black ones.

"Look, I'm not 100% Mac but I still care about you guys, well I care about Mac and she cares about you guys. I actually really don't." Vamp said looking over Jason.  "But you are cute." She whispered into her ear, her lips barely brushing his ear. "Tell the others I'm safe and Mac will be back in the morning, I want to run around a bit." She didn't wait for him to respond just running off into the forest next to the school.

Guy's she is back Jason shouted to the others through mind link.

Thank god, is she outside? Trent asked.

Well, she is still Vamp for the night, but she will be back in the morning. Jason thought. I'll explain during lunch. Jason said running back to class.

"Who is in Mac's bedroom?" Trent said yawning while walking into the kitchen. He looked up to see everybody there, Jason, John, Katie, Brad, Susie, Ethan, and Justin.

"We are all here dude," Justin said.

"Well her shower is running," Trent said. Everybody looked up before rushing up the stairs, part of them excepting Mac, the other part of them ready for a fight.

"Mac," Jason said bursting through her room. Her shower door was locked but not her main one.

"Don't come in," Mac said.

"Mac come out we need to see you," John said through the door.

"I might hurt you," Mac said.

"Sweety, you would never hurt us," Katie said she had herself pressed up against the door.

"I will if I can't control it," Mac said, but they could hear the shower turn off.

"Control what?" Brad asked. "Her flu?"

Mac slowly opened the door a pink robe wrapped around her, she didn't have her red hair or brown eyes, instead, she was herself except she had little tiny holes covering her body, droplets of blood covering the small holes.

"What the hell happened?" Jason said running over, but she took a step back afraid of him getting too close.

"Don't," Mac said, she could see the hurt in Jason's eyes but she couldn't help it she was afraid of herself.

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