Chapter 17

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Mac felt the air through her fur sending tingles all over. She got used to running every morning when the sun was coming up, found it very therapeutic. She would think of her life. She would first think about Sandy, Derrick, Victor, and Michelle. It has been over two weeks since she last saw Sandy and Gage. At first, she thought of getting her revenge. But that would just make her angry, so she finally stopped thinking of them, wanting to move on. It didn't mean she forgave them, if they ever crossed her path again, she would make them pay. But for now, they didn't have to be her daily thought.

Instead, she thought of college. How she would have been finished with her freshman year starting on her sophomore year soon. She thought about the sorority and how clueless she was to not realize how those people weren't good to her. Unlike her group now. She thought a lot about Matt. He would be home already, but she wasn't ready to see him. Not afraid of him, but of his cult or as he kept from her his pack. He warned her about them being horrible so she wasn't mad at him, but she still wished he had told her the complete truth. She knew why he didn't, who would believe him? She would and if she did she would have been scared of him, scared of what he might do to her. She wasn't sure if he was a wolf or a shifter but it didn't matter to her, she just had to stay away, for now, that is. She knew she would see him again.

She would go around the property and lake whenever the sun came up and went down, it would take her about  two hours each run. She asked them every night if they wanted to join her with her run, but all of them thought she was insane for getting up at four just to run around. They would join her on her twilight runs through after combat training.

She could feel herself getting stronger and stronger and so did the boys. She didn't think she was as strong as a normal Alpha yet, but she was getting there.

This morning she cut her run short, knowing that it was the full moon and she would go for an extra long run with the boys tonight. She ran up to her porch finding the clothes she placed earlier on the bench.

"You made breakfast," Mac said with a wide eye look once she walked in the house. Their back door, which they use as the main door, goes directly to the kitchen.

"Of course I did," Trent replied flipping a pancake in the pan.

"We should all be concerned," Jason said rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Relax you can't kill somebody with a pancake," John said following him in, both were still in their pj's. Jason went over to the coffee machine grabbing himself a cup and one for John. John sat down at the table grabbing the newspaper to read.

"This is why I don't cook breakfast," Trent said pouting a bit.

"Stop it boys. I love that you made us breakfast." Mac said giving Trent a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you so much."

"Well, I woke up with energy today," Trent said. He flipped the pancake in the pan, having it spin once in the air and landed on the plate. He got a nice cheer from the group. "Here. Tell me how it tastes." Trent said pouring batter onto the heated pan for the next pancake.

Mac covered it in syrup taking a big bite. Both John and Jason looked at her like she was crazy but she smiles. "This is by far one of the best pancakes I have had in a long time." Trent gave a toothy grin, happy that Mac was enjoying his pancake.

"I'm amazed," Jason said. He grabbed Mac's fork when she joined them at the table, grabbing a piece of her pancake. She loved this little table, it could easily fit all four of them, even with John having his newspaper spread out. It felt like home. Jason grabbed a second piece, this time bigger. "You are cooking from now one," Jason said, his mouth filled with food.

"I'll need a second one," Mac said, glaring at Jason who is finishing off her pancake.

"No problem," Trent said referring to both. "I actually wanted to talk to you guys about something. He placed the stack of pancakes on the table places dishes in front of Jason and John.

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