Chapter 57

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"Today sucks," Mac said walking into school. She had the piece of paper still crumpled in the bottom of her jean pocket, still not sure whether she wanted to text Cooper or not. She had so many questions and part of her heart raced every time she thought about him, but does that mean she forgave him? On the other side, he did save her from dying last year on the lake. She shook her head trying to erase all the thoughts that were plaguing her mind all weekend.

"You haven't been to school in a week and it's not even first period yet, what could make today suck already?" Jason asked. Mac couldn't help but glance over at Sandy and Gage. They were just standing there not even touching but the sight of them caused anger to radiate through her body. Katie saw what she was looking at and quickly got in the way, blocking Mac's view of them.

"Hey," Chloe said running up to the group. "Glad to see you are feeling better," She pulled Mac into a hug. She looked her over and she looked different, almost more human if that was possible. "Your eyes?" Chloe said seeing them as blue instead of brown.

"Yes, I use to wear contacts, now I don't," Mac said with a shrug.

"Well, you look pretty either way," Chloe said.

Mac looked over her shoulder to look at Sandy and Gage again, but they were gone.

"I like the new you," Collin said coming over and giving her a hug.

"Thanks, but I think it is more like the old me," Mac said. She pulled at her jacket hems, she liked looking herself but she still hid her scars, ashamed of them.

"Hey where is Matt, I was hoping to talk to him today," Mac said.

"He is visiting his grandparents in North Dakota, but don't worry he will be back in two weeks."

"It's cool, I guess," Mac said, but she really wanted to talk to him, especially with the whole Cooper thing coming back into her life. It was turmoil in her head, should she tell him. She does trust him, but at the same time, Matt did keep a very big secret from her. They heard the bell ring and the hallway started to bustle to class.

"Come on off to class," Collin said saying goodbye to Chloe.

"Bye guys," Mac said before turning and heading off to class.

"Pre-warning Brody is back," Collin said.

"He is the least of my worries," Mac said sighing, she really didn't want to deal with Gage today.

"I actually think you scared Stephanie off," Collin said laughing.

"She was annoying," Mac said.

"Horrible teacher," Collin said opening the door for her. Mac stepped into the room and paused, Gage was looking straight up at her. He looked confused, but Mac didn't wait too long walking over to the table in the corner next to the window. Collin took the desk next to her and Gage moved, taking the desk in front of Collin.

"Hey Mac, where have you been?" Gage asked. Mac didn't say anything just stared up at the whiteboard.

"Good morning class," Brody said, throwing his bag on the desk.

"Mac, come on, talk to me," Gage pleaded.

"She doesn't want to talk," Collin stated.

"Today we are going to talk about the political protest of the 1970's and what the impact werewolves had over it," Brody said, turning to write on the whiteboard.

"Mac talk to me," Gage said his Alpha tone seeping in. Goosebumps raised up on her arm, War did not like being spoken to in that way even from her mate. Mac couldn't help but glare at him.

"Talk to me," Gage said again, thinking his Alpha tone was working on her.

"Can you two not do that now?" Brody said in the front of the class.

"No," Gage said to Brody, "Now everybody leave," he commanded the room. "Except Mac." Everybody in the room left, including Collin who gave her an apologetic look before he rushed out of the classroom.

"You can't just order people around whenever you want too," Mac said glaring at him as the last person left the room.

"I can because I am Alpha, now talk to me dammit," Gage said slamming his hands on his desk.

"Why?" Mac asked.

"Look I know I am sorry that I blew you off, but let's face it, you are a human, Sandy is my mate and even though we were having problems I still couldn't leave her," Gage said.

"Great, happy for the two of you but I still don't understand why I have to talk to you?" Mac asked annoyed, every impulse in her wanted to reach out a slap him for calling her his mate, but she didn't. She just looked out the window, she didn't want him to know. She didn't want to give him that power.

"You can't be mad at me," Gage said.

"I can be whatever the fuck I want," Mac said still looking out the window, her anger starting to seep through. He stood up grabbing the end of her desk, pulling it towards him so she had to face him.

"I was just doing what was right," Gage said.

"You think marking her was the right thing to do?" Mac asked finally staring him in the eye.

"How did you..." Gage looked at her with a quizzical look, after a moment he looked down trying to understand how she, out of everybody, would know.

"Know?" Mac said finishing his sentence, "let's just say a lucky guess," Mac crossed her arms over her chest. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when she saw his eyes glance down at his chest, even if it was just briefly.

"Even my pack doesn't know yet," Gage said. Mac didn't say anything just raised her eyebrow.

What she knew was that when an Alpha marks his female or visa versa the whole pack would know within seconds, it is just like how when an Alpha or Beta takes the position and the rest of the pack can feel the bond grow.

"Something went wrong," Gage said sitting down on a side desk defeated.

For a second Mac could feel her heart skip a beat, wanting to go over a comfort him, but she knew better.

"My dad said it is because I am not powerful enough, but it still makes Sandy Alpha female."

"I really don't care," Mac said. She acknowledged that she was being rude, he was opening up and here she was shutting him down. But what did he expect, he chose another girl, the bitch from hell to be exact.

"Mac, I'm sorry. I know I messed up, but my Dad is right I can't date a human. We have no future, whereas Sandy and I are meant to be together." Gage said.

"Is that why the mark stuck so well because you are meant to be?" Mac asked in a sarcastic tone.

Mac somebody is here for you. It was Allen mind linking her. Please hurry and don't come into the living room, he is waiting for you there.

She looked up to see that Gage was talking to her, but she didn't hear a thing.

" dad is always right," Gage said.

"You are not a child anymore Gage, what you do has consequences and the day you decide to not be controlled by your father will be the day that you finally will be an Alpha of your pack until then though, I don't have to deal with you," Mac said. She grabbed her bag walking out of the classroom.

"Mac you have to respect me," Gage commanded in his Alpha tone. She stopped half turning towards him.

"Here is how much I respect you," Mac said she walked up to him and half bowed her head before looking him straight in the eye. His breath hitched, he remembered those eyes from a party over a year ago. The human that excelled at beer pong, the other pictures in Mac's room. She was the same girl. "Oh wait I don't bow to bitches, so go fuck yourself," Mac said smiling at him before she turned heading towards the door again.

"Mac, don't leave," Gage said using his Alpha tone again. Mac didn't say anything just stuck her middle finger in the air before she closed the door behind her. 

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