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I ran.

"Oh shit! No no!" The school gate will close in any minute.

And I made it.

"Yes! I'm not late. Wohoo!" I dance weirdly.

Suddenly, something was hitting me on top of my head.

"Ouch! What the h-"

Someone cut my words from behind.

"Unfortunately you are late, young lady."

I looked behind me. Oh no. He is my discipline teacher, Mr Mun. I'm so dead!


I startled. Then I walked immediately to the line where the students will get punished because of late.

Okayy. Now I was really embarrassed. I never late came to school. But, I was standing with other useless guys and girls whose always came to school late right now. Damn!


"Give me your name, class and 'very nice reasons' why you are LATE!" Teacher Mun said.

There were 4 girls including me and 4 guys late.

I kept my head hanging lowed while other girls gave their unreasonable reason to Teacher Mun.

"Are you making a joke right now? Is that funny? Run 10 rounds at our field. RIGHT NOW!" Teacher Mun said to that 3 girl students.

"And you, new face for late to school today. Whatever. Answer me right now!"

He pointed on me.

"I'm Kim Soo Ji from class 2-A1. Sorry teacher. I woke up late this morning. I had to finish my homeworks until late yesterday" still hanged my head low.

"Ahhh... Soo Ji-shi. You are exclude from this morning punishment. You may go back to your classroom" Teacher Mun said with his smile on his face.

"Eh? What?" I shocked from his words.

"You may go"

"Wait! Teacher. This is not fair! Why her not getting a punishment like us? She's late too" I saw one of the guys who has a pair of small eyes said.

Once again I shocked. He was hitting that guy's head.

"Then try to be smart and be athletic like her, Kim Sunggyu-shi"


"And how about you? I think I never see you in this school" Teacher Mun said to a guy who was standing at the end of the line on my right side.

I looked at him before I walked away.

Oh wait! Is that the guy that I bummed before? Yeah. Right! That's him. I remembered his hair color. So, I am right. He's wearing our school uniform.

"My name is Park Jimin. I am a new student. Sorry sir. I lost my way while coming to this school"

So, his name is Park Jimin.

"Oh. I see. Okay. You also exclude from this punishment because you are new. Now go to the office to know your class that you will register in"

"Thank you, sir"

When I want to walk away from there, Teacher Mun shouted my name.

"Soo Ji-shi? Wait. Please help this new student to lead him to the teacher's office. Bring him to the principle"

"Oh? Me? Ooh, ne (okay). I will."

Jimin P.O.V

This morning a girl bummed into me from behind. Whatever I don't care about her. The matter that I care right now was why my parents really want me to exchange my school. Oh wait. Marriage. I heard my bride-to-be studied in that school. Wahh..! Is that necessary to study in the same school with her?



I late to school. Yes. I purposely late.

"And how about you? I think I never see you in this school" a tall masculine man said who I thought supposedly a discipline teacher in this school.

I looked at him.

"My name is Park Jimin. I am a new student. Sorry sir. I lost my way while coming to this school" I lied.

"Oh. I see. Okay. You also exclude from this punishment because you are new. Now go to the office to know your class that you will register in"

"Thank you, sir"

Then, he shouted someone's name.

"Soo Ji-shi? Wait. Please help this new student to lead him to the teacher's office. Bring him to the principle"

"Oh? Me? Ooh, ne (okay). I will." A 'not too tall but not too short' girl who has dark brown hair, round big eyes, long eyelashes with pink lip was standing 2 meters behind me.

Okayy. I acknowledged that she was quite pretty.

"By the way, I'm Mr Mun. Eric Mun. A discipline teacher of this school. If you see any crimes from any student, don't hesitate to tell me ok?"

 If you see any crimes from any student, don't hesitate to tell me ok?"

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"Oh. Ne..." I smiled to him.



Both of us.

Yeah. So awkward.

"So..." Finally, she broke the silent.

I looked at her.

" old are you?" she asked me.

I don't know why but her voice was so soft and nice to hear.

"Em, 18" I replied.

"Ah. So that's mean you are one year older than me" she smiled and looked away.

My heart! Why are you beat rapidly? I must be crazy.

But her smile was so beautiful. Wait! Maybe she was pretty, but I already have a girl that I love. Remember that Park Jimin!


To be continue🎬🏃🏃🏃

Toinkk... 😋

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