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I saw his face.
Our eyes met.

"YOU!" both of us said in unison.

Was he a new transfer student? What is he doing here? Wait! Son?! He is Park's son?

"Oh! Both of you knowing each other? So, that's great. It easier for us" Mr. Park smiled.

"Please take a seat Jimin" my dad patted Jimin's back.

It was getting weird. This is not right. This is not just a normal dinner. There was something else..I thought.

"Let we eat our foods first. Shall we?" Jimin's mom invited us.

They started to eat their food. But I only stared to my dish. Seafood pasta and a lobster.

Should I eat?
Why they are not remembered this thing?

"Soo Jin-shi?" Mr Park called my name.


"You are not eating? Why? You don't like your food? Is it not suit with your taste?" Mr Park concerned about me.

"Oh?! Em.... Actu-"

"I'm sorry. This is my son's favorite foods. He likes seafood. That's why we order them. If you are not like it, we can order another food for you. Is it okay?" Mrs Kang asked me.

I would like to reply but my mom cut me.

"Oh. That's not true. My daughter also like seafood. Am I right, sweetheart?"

I just smile.

"Don't embarrassing us. Just eat. Behave and smile" My mom whispered in my ear.

I only can nod my head.

I eat.
For mom.

"So, can we discuss our matter?" my dad started a conversation after 15 minute we eaten our food.

"Yeah. Em, so when you want to held their wedding?" Mr Park said.

Is my dad become a wedding planner or something? Matchmaker?
What I am talking about?

"As soon as possible is better for me " my dad said excitedly.

"Next month?" My mom interrupted their conversation.

"Are you okay with that Soo Ji?" Mr Kang asked me.

"Huh? Me?" I was pointing at myself.

"Oh? You didn't kn-"

"Oh ya. I forgot to tell her. Soo Jin. You are getting married with Jimin" my mom smiled while pointed at Jimin sunbae who ate his food silently.

Jimin never lifted his head from looking down to his food. He seemed calm? What? He knew it too? But why he didn't said anything?

Hey, boy! Say something. Open your mouth. This is our fucking arranged marriage. Objected them.

"What? Me? Married? What are you talking about?" I denied.

At this time I can't breathe. My eyes stung. My head hurt.

"You are in arrange marriage with Jimin for sake of our company. We need to married both of you for my and Mr Park's company to grow bigger. However, they already like you since you a-"
I stopped my dad from talked as I suddenly stood up.

"I-I need go. Sorry!" My voice came out from my mouth shakingly.

I can't breathe.
My chest hurt like hell.

I ran away from there.

I cried hardly.

Why they do this to me?

"Soo Ji!!" I heard my dad shouts my name.


To be continue🎬🏃🏃🏃

Toinkk... 😋

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