I promise!

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This kind of goodbye wasn't really the best thing happening so far. You were going to visit the other half of your family in Mexico for the summer. You had already said bye to your parents, but saying 'goodbye' to Ethan was the worst.

"Are you sure you can't come with us?" You ask him for the hundredth time.

Ethan chuckles, "Babe, you know I could if I didn't have this whole month filled up."

"I know, it's just... I'm gonna miss you so much!" You say looking directly into his eyes to see the sadness in them.

"I'm gonna miss you so much as well, but you have to go. Who knows when you can go again to visit? Also, you promised your Nana that you will visit her before you turn 18." Ethan says.

The fact the Ethan remembered you saying that to him made you even more sad.

"Flight 73 to Mexico, Nicaragua is now boarding." You hear a lady in the speaker say out.

You look at Ethan and you see a frown start to form, but he quickly shakes it off.

"Babe, I know that you are just as sad as me, so don't bother to try and hide your sadness." You say as you run your hand through his hair.

"I know, it's just, I don't want you to see me sad when your gonna be happy in just a few hours." Ethan smiled a small smile.

"I really appreciate it, I do. But, I promise to call, FaceTime, Snapchat, and text you everyday." You say.

"You promise?" Ethan says as he wraps his arms around your waist.

"I promise." You smile before giving him one last kiss.

"Last call for flight 73 to Mexico, Nicaragua is now boarding." You and Ethan break apart before following your Aunt and cousins towards the entrance to the plane.

You look one last time at Ethan before you felt yourself being pulled into the airplane.

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