will you?

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i am not the type of girl you expect me to be. you may think that i am the type of girl who talks all the time, has the time of her life like if the world was ending tomorrow and i just want to be free, or is willing to take risks just for fun.

well i'm not.

i'm more of a shy girl. i am terrified of getting into trouble. i always follow the rules. never have i once taken risks and with all this, i somehow manage to have a boyfriend. his name is Ethan Dolan.

Ethan Dolan is your all typical crazy, loud, hot guy. at first, we were friends since 7th grade and we had graduated from High School not that long ago. he asked me to be his girlfriend on Grad Night. Grad Night is when all the Seniors are taken to Disneyland for an entire day. We are not brought back until at least 4 in the morning and we don't have to go to school the next day since we will be tired.

so yeah, he asked me to be his girlfriend that day. we have been dating for a year now and i have ask him to help me break out of my shell. tonight, he is planning something for us to do, and i am really nervous.


"babe, are you ready?" Ethan called from the other side of the restroom door.

"yeah.. i'm just..." i had no excuse.

"baby girl, i know you are nervous. but you don't have to be. i will be with you through every step of the way. you can trust me." Ethan said as he can tell that i was really nervous and scared for my life.

i open the door and look at him, "baby boy, i know how you are. you really think that i won't be this nervous knowing that you will probably make me do something extreme?" i giggle a little.

"ouch." Ethan said as he caressed his boob.

it only made me laugh a little harder. "sorry, i'm just trying to take away my nervousness." i say to him.

"it's okay. now come on. an adventure awaits us." Ethan held his hand out and i gladly took it.

i was scared for my life but i mean, i did tell Ethan to help me out. but this was one of the many reasons why i was afraid to ask Ethan to help me. this fucker is way to... extreme with his choices of fun. i am just trying to break out of my shell, not go to jail. but there is no turning back because we were already in the car driving to who knows where. i just have to get through this and everything will be fine... i hope.

we made it to our destination and my heart was beating out of my chest. he took us some type of... warehouse.

"Ethan, why are we at a warehouse?" I asked him as we exited the car.

"well i figured that we can do some graffiti on the walls. you know, for a head start." Ethan said as he pulled out some spray paint.

"so we are gonna vandalize property?" i ask as i pull down my shirt.

"it's a head start! besides, it's dark no one will see us." Ethan said as he handed me a box.

i took a deep breath and i nodded my head. he was right, it was dark and no one will see us since no body will be here. especially at this time. he got out another box and we started to walk towards the side of the warehouse.

we shook some spray paint and right before we can even begin to paint, we heard a voice. "WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING HERE!?" i dropped the spray paint and Ethan grabbed my hand.

he took me to the front of the warehouse and he went up to the door. my heart was racing, i could hardly hear the guys footsteps getting closer. Ethan manages to open the door and we quickly go it. he closes it shut and tells me to be quite. we hear his footsteps stop in front of the door, but we then hear them run away.

"Ethan, we have to get out of here." I say to him.

"Don't worry we will, lets just wait a couple more minutes." i nodded my head and he started to walk deeper into the warehouse.

"come on, lets explore this place while we are here." Ethan said as he held his hand out.

i walked up and took it. we walked into this large place of the warehouse, but we couldn't see anything because it was that dark in here. Ethan said he was going to look for a light switch or something that we can use to see. i told him that i'd go with him, but he was already gone. i was alone in the dark and i was scared out of my mind. i heard some shuffling, knowing it was Ethan... i hope.

"Fuck!" i hear Ethan say.

"Babe? Are you okay?" i asked him.

"Yeah, i just tripped." he said.

"did you fine a light switch?" i asked.

"actually, i did." Ethan said.

"well turn the dang lights on." i say to him.

"i'm going! i did just fell you know." he chuckled a little.

once the lights turned on, i was blinded. but once my vision became clear, i noticed that we were in the Dolan Twins Warehouse, i saw Ethan down on one knee, a huge poster behind him, Grayson, Cameron, and all of our friends standing on either side of Ethan.

i covered my mouth as i read the sign.

"babe, i know that we have only been dating for a least a year and we still have lots more years to go. but i don't think that i can wait any longer. everyday i wake up next to you, i fall in love all over again. i love everything about you even when you hate it. you have been for me when times have been tough, i've been with you through your tough times as well. we keep each other sane when we think we can't handle it anymore. i knew that i made the right choice of dating you when we hit our 8 month mark. you know me as a patience guy, but this time i wasn't. y/n, i love you, i can't imagine my life without you. and as the sign that is right behind me says, will you? Will you marry me?" by this time, i was standing right in front of Ethan.

"Ethan..." i smiled as he opened the box and inside was a beautiful ring. "Yes... of course i will marry you!" i hugged him and he kisses me all over my face.

he slips the ring onto my finger and i just couldn't believe that this was actually happening. that this was all really happening.

i'm marrying Ethan Grant Dolan..

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