last first kiss

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i feel like doing some imagines based on song titles for a while so bare with me please😬

i was in the backyard with my husband and his sister. we were having fun. just having a laugh and just talking about anything that came up into our conversation.

"mommy! you're phone is ringing!" i hear Jacob yell from the kitchen window.

i went into the kitchen and grabbed my phone. as soon as i saw the caller ID, my heart stopped. i haven't gotten a call from him in 7 years. i've never seen him nor heard of him. why i kept his phone number you may ask? it's because he promised me that even though we were going our separate ways, we would still stay friends and contact each other when we can. that never happened. but there was this small part of me that kept telling me to keep it, so i did.

i clicked on the answer button and held it up to my ear. "h-hello?"

"y/n! thank the lords you answered!"

"Grayson? why are you calling me through Ethan's phone?" i asked him.

"cause i knew you would answer if you thought it was Ethan."

i didn't have anything else to say, so i just ignore that comment. "you didn't answer my question."

"Ethan's dying, y/n." Grayson said. when he said those two words, i heard him choking back his tears.

my heart stopped beating, my whole world froze and i was speechless. it felt like i had stayed like that for hours, but it was only seconds.

"what.. what do you means he's.. dying?" i say as i now try to hold back my tears.

"y/n, he was diagnosed with cancer not that long ago, but sadly, it had spread so fast that there was nothing the doctors could do to help him out anymore. all they could was try to give him a few extra months of life, but they decided to stop the CHEMO therapy. and.. i don't want my brother to go without him seeing the first girl he ever loved. the first girl he did.. basically everything with for the first time. he loved you y/n. he still loves you. he never stopped loving you." i could now hear Grayson sniffling.

tears were falling from my face now. i couldn't stop them from flowing down. i wanted to say something, but i couldn't find the right words to say.

"please, y/n.. please come see Ethan." Grayson pleaded.

i wanted to say no, but i knew it was right to say yes.

"okay. send me the address and i'll go there tomorrow." i said to him.

i can hear a breathe of relief escape from his mouth. "thank you, y/n. i'll send it right now."

"okay." i said, "bye Grayson."

"bye y/n, see you tomorrow." and with that, we both hung up.

i went back and i told my husband and my sister in law what had happened. they comforted me and my husband wasn't mad at all. he understood the pain i was going through right now and he understood the kind of relationship i had with him. so he decided to call his work and told him that he wasn't going to come in. he was going to take me.

the next day

i finished getting ready. i grabbed what i needed and my husband and my son and i left the house and went to the address Grayson had sent me right after we hung up.

it ended up being at their house. i didn't remember their address since it had been 7 years. we got out of the car and walked up to the front door. i took a deep breathe and knocked twice. i heard mumbling and then the door opened.

Ethan Dolan Imagines Where stories live. Discover now