fight song

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so far all my titles have to do with songs... wonder when it will stop...


i cried as i listened to the song. this was my all time favorite and i had it on repeat the whole day. i was fine at first, but then it got to a point where the song started to make me cry.

the song was about to end until i heard the door. "babe, i'm home!"

i couldn't reply because i was still choking back some tears.

"babe?" Ethan opens up the bedroom door and he sees me crying.

he makes his way towards me and he wraps his arms around me. "babe, what happened? why are you crying? who hurt you? did the hate comments get to you?"

"ethan.. i'm okay." i say.

"no you're not! you're crying! tell me why." Ethan said as he started to whip away my tears.

"Ethan... i said i'm fine. i'm just listening to my music." i say.

"i don't believe you. tell me." Ethan said once more.

"Baby boy, you know that i always cry when i listen to 'Fight Song'." i say.

"oh... so you made me worried for nothing?" Ethan said he started to let me go.

"hey, you got worried by yourself! i was just listening to my favorite sad song!" i say as i put my hands up in defense.

"i'm getting you back." Ethan said as he started to get up from the bed.

"okay, you do that! i'll be here crying some more!" i say as i put the volume all the way up and continue to cry.


good news!

ill be back home in just one more day! i'll be leaving for the airport on Tuesday like at 2-3 am and ill be landing sometime around 7 or 8 am!

i'm happy but i'm sad bc i'm gonna be leaving my family😭💔 but i'll see them soon, i hope

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