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that's all i've been feeling lately because of some family issues. it's mostly with my oldest cousin who keeps accusing his very OWN family members of doing stuff that didn't even happen. i just don't know what we are gonna do with him. he acts like he's 5 but he really is 19 almost going to be 20 and he's making shit up like this.

but it's stressing me out even more because i haven't told my two best friends, Ethan and Grayson. i tell them everything and i haven't told them this and it's harder for me to fake being happy and fine around them when i know i'm not.

"hey, y/n?" i heard Ethan knock my door.

i forgot to mention, i live with them as well in their house in LA. i would've lived on my own, but we already tried being apart for a long time and it didn't work out.

"yeah?" i answered back as Ethan walked in my room.

"Grayson made us dinner. he said it's your favorite." Ethan smiled.

"let me guess, chicken alfredo pasta?" i forced a smile on my face as i turned to look at him.

"and we have a winner!" Ethan cheered.

"okay, let's go." i said standing up.

"after you, my lady." Ethan said as he moved away from the door and let me through.

"thank you, gentlemen." i laughed a little as i bowed and walked through the door.

we left my room and Ethan closed the door behind him and we went into the dinning room where Grayson had placed out the plates and was serving the pasta already.

"mmm smells good." i say as i took a seat and looked at the pasta in front of me.

"thanks for serving the pasta Gray." i say as i wait for him and E to take a seat so we can all eat together.

"no problem. besides, you always help us out with our videos along Kyle's side and don't we always gift him?" Grayson smiled.

"you right. now let's dig in." i say.

"hold up! before we do i wanna put this on snap so everyone can know how good of a best friend you are." i smile. "fuck, i left my phone in my room."

"don't worry, i'll get it." Ethan said.

"it's fine, i'll get it." i say. but before i can stand up Ethan was already walking towards the door.

"too late i'm already walking." Ethan said back laughing.

"fine, i'll wait here!" i huff as i turn to look at Gray and roll my eyes, laughing.


Ethan walked into y/n rooms and looked around to try and find her phone. it only took him a few seconds before he spotted in on top of her bed. he grabbed it and as soon as he did, the screen lit up and he saw that y/n cousin had texted her.

Cuz💕- ikr! if his dumbass really thinks that your mom and dad put drugs in the food that you guys had given me then he should call those fucking cops and have them do an analysis on it to see if what he is saying is true

"what?" Ethan said as he finished reading it.

his curiosity got the best of him and he unlocks her phone, since of course he knew her password. he was going to text her cousin back, but before he could open the message, he came up with a better plan.

Ethan looked for his name on her text messages and clicked on it and sent himself her cousins number. after he saved it in his contacts, he deleted that one message and quickly went back to the dinner table and acted as if nothing had happened.


after dinner we all cleaned up and i went back into the room and i had noticed that my cousin had texted me.

"fuck, i really hope Ethan didn't read it."


"hey, Gray?" Ethan calles for Grayson.

"yeah?" he responded.

"you know.. when i went to get y/n's phone.." Grayson cut Ethan off.

"yeah, what about it?"

"well.. there was this text message from her cousin and they were talking about how her cousin's brother accused y/n's parents of putting drugs in the food that they had given her." Ethan told him.

"what the fuck?! why would he say that!?" Grayson, getting enraged.

"i don't know. but i feel like this was too much for y/n to handle considering that he is blaming her parents of doing such a thing. not only that, but she didn't tell us about it which meant she didn't want us to know. but now that we do, i don't want her to go through it by herself. i don't want her to stress about this situation by herself." Ethan said.

"you're right. we should do something about this. but what can we do to help her? she didn't even tell us but yet we know because you read the message." Grayson said.

"how about we rent out a cabin for the weekend? somewhere far away from the city, from her problems so she doesn't have to deal with it." Ethan suggested.

"yeah, we should. but one thing we need to let her know is that, she can post stuff on her social media, but we can't let her actually use it to see what everyone is doing. just for posting." Grayson suggested.

"it's a plane then." Ethan smiled.

"great, i'll go look up some cabins we can rent for the weekend and i'll call you in when i have found one." Grayson said.

"okay, i'll let y/n know so she can start packing." Ethan said, about to leave Grayson's room.

"no, wait!" Grayson called out for him.

"don't tell her anything! we'll surprise her in the morning. that way we have time to pack after we all showered." Grayson told Ethan.

"ah, i like the way you think. alright, but call me when you have found the one." Ethan told Grayson.

"alright." Grayson said going back to his desk.


pt.2 will be up soon✌🏼

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