Las Vegas Trip

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"Three hours into this road trip and I am fucking bored!" I exclaimed as I adjusted the camera lens. "What's up with this traffic? It's 2 am!" I yelled.

"Okay, you need to stop yelling at the cars." Ethan said as he pressed on the breaks once again because of this traffic.

"Well sorry, but i don't like the fact that I've been stuck in this car for three fucking hours. Especially since you decided not to drive to Vegas during the night."

"Hey! We would've been there by now if Emma didn't show up at your house in the first place." Ethan said glaring at her through the review mirror.

"No one told me we were supposed to meet at your house okay!" She said, trying to defend herself.

"Okay! That is so not true!" I said.

"We all texted you two hours before we had to actually meet to leave!" Grayson said pulling out his phone to show her the texts.

"Text? What text? I never got a fucking text!" She said pulling out her phone.

I took my phone out and showed her that Grayson, Ethan, and I had texted her at the same time and she responded with 'kay👍'.

"What the fuck, I never read that! I didn't even reply!" Emma said as she went to our group chat to see the texts right there.

"Hold up." She looked at her phone. "Oh! I was with Olivia for the photo shoot and she had to hold my phone cause I didn't have any pockets. I guess she must have responded and forgot to tell me."

"But we still blame you because you could've easily checked to see were we were meeting up." Ethan said.

"Okay well, I didn't there! Doesn't change the fact that we are still stuck in traffic right now." Emma said sipping her coffee.


After arriving at the hotel, we got settled with who was sleeping where. We had two rooms in our hotel and each one had one Queen bed.

"Okay, so who's gonna sleep with me?" I asked.

"Me!" Both Ethan and Emma said at the same time.

"I'm older! I should be allowed to sleep in the same bed with her." Ethan said.

"But I her best friend, so I should sleep with her." Emma fought back.

"Okay the way you both said it just sounded wrong." I said.

"Hey, why don't you want to sleep with me?" Grayson asked Ethan.

"Because you snore so fucking loud and she doesn't. Plus she cuddly." Ethan said.

"Okay! Just play rock paper scissors and whoever wins three times will share the bed with me." I said.

I turned the camera towards them and they shrugged and got into position.

"Ready? Set. GO!"

Ethan got rock and Emma go scissors.

"Ethan one, Emma none."

Ethan got paper and Emma scissors.

"One out of one. Time for the tie breaker."

Ethan got scissors and Emma got rock.

"Yes! I win! Have fun with Grayson!" Emma said linking her arm around mine and taking me away.

"I'll just sleep on the couch." Ethan said.

I stopped in my tracks and turned back to look at Ethan. "Stop being a drama queen and share a bed with Grayson."

"If I do that, best believe I'm gonna annoy his ass if I hear him snoring." He warned me.

"Ethan, we are very fucking tired, I don't think you'll hear him snore tonight." I said to him as I shove him towards the bedroom.

"We shared a bed before Ethan, I don't think this would make you actually hate it more." Grayson said as he looked through his bag for shorts.

"Whatever." Ethan said as he grabbed his bag and went to bed.

"DRAMA QUEEN!" Both me and Emma yelled.

"Shut the fuck up!" Ethan yelled back at us and we just laughed.

We got dressed into more comfy clothes and climbed into bed. Emma wrapped her arms around me and we intertwined our legs together and fell asleep in that position.


Afternoon rolled in and only Grayson and I were up.

"It's gonna be 1pm soon. Should we wake them up already?" Grayson asked.

"Well I am hungry, so we probably should." I said as i forced myself off the couch.

"Emma! Wake up bitch!" I yelled at her as I plopped onto bed.

She groaned and turned around to cover her face with the pillow. "Nooooo."

"Fine, you stay here while we go out and get coffee and food." I said as i stood up.

"No, wait! I'm coming!" She said quickly rolling out of bed and falling on the ground.

"You have legs for a reason Emma. You didn't have to roll your ass out." I laughed.

"If you must know, my legs are still asleep." Emma said as she started to drag her ass to the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and walked out.

Grayson was in the same position before I left to wake up Emma.

"Did you even go wake up Ethan?" I asked him.

"I thought you were doing that?" He said as he looked up from his phone.

We both groaned and made our way to the room to try and wake his ass up. This was going to take a while.

Part two will be posted soon!

Also your girl almost gonna graduate! I hope tho. Bc since I am in independent studies, I just have to do packets and test, so is not like your everyday classes. Here you go at your own pace. But since my lazy ass procrastinated, I'm working my ass off to finish to graduate and my deadline is this thursday. So pray for me I really hope I finish in time to graduate high school🙏 okay gotta go finish my packets love you all

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