fake love (pt2)

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5th grade

Grayson and i were playing four square during lunch. Gray and i were the kong's of four square, never loosing a game. until she came along. y/n, she was my crush. yes, i knew what a crush was because my older sister Cameron told me when i asked her. she teased me for it but i tried to ignore her as much as i could.

i didn't like y/n because of her looks, i likes her because of how she acted. she was so joyful and playful. she was so caring towards others. that's what made me fall for her.

"hey, can i play four square with you guys?" she asked use.

"no way. you won't stand a chance against us." Grayson said.

"you never know. i could possibly beat you." she said, rocking back and forth on her feet.

"Ethan, what do you say? should we let her play?" Gray asked.

i was snapped out of my trance and i turned to look at Grayson. "what?"

"i said, should we let her play with us?"

"oh," i turned back around and looked at her. she looked back at me. i gulped and i quickly nodded my head, "yeah."

Grayson shrugged his shoulders and told her to get in the game. i was distracted a bit because she was playing with us. i was the first one to get out. which never happened to be before. "come on, E! you just ruined your perfect score!"

i didn't say anything back. i just got out of the game and watched them play. she then took out Kyle and we were both left watching.

"it's just you and me." Grayson smirked.

"i'm not scared." y/n said back to him.

they continued to play and there were times where Gray was almost out, but he save the ball before he let if bounce twice or go over his head.

many of the other people that we played and beat, came to watch. this was an amazing game. it was interesting to watch. it didn't last too long after a while because y/n hit the ball so hard and fast that Gray wasn't able to save if fast enough. she ended up wining.

"told you i could beat you!" she laughed and celebrated.

i know that i should have felt sad, but i didn't. she looked... pretty.

ever since that day, my feeling grew more and more for her. but the fear of her rejecting me grew as well. which is why i started doing what i did. that way if she did reject me, then i wouldn't feel the pain cause i could just picture her as another girl who I dumped. was it wrong for me to do? yes.. but i did it to beat the fear.

years later

as i walked down the hall, everyone turned to look at me. yes, i know that i've broken so many hearts and many girls hated me, but yet they all still thought i was hot. could i blame them? no.

i meet up with the group and Kyle out of nowhere said, "dude, there's your girl."

i turned around and i see y/n meeting up with her friends.

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