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Jack Gilinsky, my twin brother. him and his best friend and my best friend as well Jack Johnson, were moving to LA to continue their music career.

while they had their music, i had YouTube. so the three of us figured it'd be great to move together. we had enough money to buy a house instead of an apartment since we have been doing this for four years already.

the three of us had been to LA a couple times before but we never got a chance to live their. we didn't think about it before. we used to stay at a friends house instead for a while and then come back to Omaha. that was our way. but this time we wanted to live their since we do stay there more than we do at our home town.

it was a pretty nice house and it was pretty big. we were planning on getting a two story house, but we figured it'd be better to just get a one story house with five bedrooms and a pool area, so we did. my bedroom was the one that had a door way to the backyard where our pool was at. also, there was a bonus to the house, it came with a basketball court so the guys can ball whenever they want.

since we had just moved here, we decided to invite all of our friends over a get together. but really, it was a party. we told them that they can invite some of their friends over as well if they wanted. and they did. also, since we did end up moving here during the summer, we decided to make it into a pool party.

i ended up wearing this outfit since i wasn't really thinking about getting in the pool as of right now

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i ended up wearing this outfit since i wasn't really thinking about getting in the pool as of right now.


the party has been going on for only about 2 hours and i was making new friends here and there because of people bringing their other friends. also, i was basically always saying hello to those who walked in through the front door.

i was talking to Gilinsky when suddenly Johnson nudged my arm. "what?"

he nodded his head toward the front door and there i saw twins. they came in with Aaron and Cameron. they looked familiar but i couldn't put my finger to it. i walked up to them and said my hellos to Aaron and Cameron.

"hey guys!" i said as i hugged them both.

"hey y/n! this is Ethan and Grayson, they are the Dolan Twins." Aaron said.

"oh! so that's who you guys are! i knew you two looked familiar!" i said finally happy that i realized who they were.

they just laughed and i noticed Ethan being a little more shy than Grayson. but i just figured that it's cause we never met before and he wasn't really good with talking to new people.

"well, come in. enjoy the party!" i smile.

Aaron and Cam dragged the twins away and i laughed. i went back with the Jacks and we started up a conversation again.

later on, i went to get some pink lemonade and there, i bumped into Ethan.

"oh, hey y/n!" Ethan yelled through the music.

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