you can cook?

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you know what the best thing about being a first time mom is? living with both the twins so you have people to help you take care of your daughter while you go shower for the first time in two weeks.

"hmm, what to wear what to wear?" i said to myself.

i kept looking through my closet until i finally found the outfit that i wanted to wear.

@yourusername: after giving birth to a 9lb baby, wearing comfortable clothes has been my calling😌 ( yourbabiesname is doing great she is so cute and cuddly that i get anxious when i'm not around her, i can't be 6 seconds away from her without fee...

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@yourusername: after giving birth to a 9lb baby, wearing comfortable clothes has been my calling😌 ( yourbabiesname is doing great she is so cute and cuddly that i get anxious when i'm not around her, i can't be 6 seconds away from her without feeling empty😅 thanks for Uncle Grayson for taking care of her as well when Ethan and I end up falling asleep from waking up in the middle of the night to try and out her back to sleep💕)

ethandolan, graysondolan, and 1,939,837 likes

user1: aww how cute😍

user2: wearing comfortable clothes everyday is my calling😡 but since you did make a cute baby and Ethan a daddy i guess i can let it slide😬

user3: post another pic of (yourbabiesname)😩😩

i open the bedroom door and i am immediately filled with the smell of oatmeal. and even though i was enjoying the smell, i'm confused. why do i smell something so amazing but yet, Grayson isn't even home. he told us he was going to the hardware store to buy wood to make who knows what.

"no way!" i say to myself as i quickly realize who could be the person cooking.

i take out my phone and go on snap and i start to record.

"something smells amazing and Grayson isn't home only me, Ethan, and (yourbabiesname) so it could only mean one thing." i get to the corner and as i lift up my phone to record Ethan, i see what i thought i never thought i would see.

"ethan dolan can cook?!" i say in shock.

ethan turns around with (yourbabiesname) in one arm and him making food in the other. ethan just laughs a little. i cut off the video and i post it.

"babe, since when do you cook?" i asked as i walked up to him and too a hold of our daughter.

"well, i don't know. i've just gotten interested in cooking recently." he said as he goes back to making the food.

"aww, Ethan is going into full on dad mode." i laugh a little as i pinch his cheek.

"stop!" he whines but i see a smile appear.

"i just wanted to do something for my girls." he said as he kissed me and (yourbabiesname).

she giggled once ethan kissed her on the nose. "well i know it will be good because it smells delicious."

i give him a kiss and he smiles. "thanks, just wait until you try it. it will make you fall in love with me all over again." ethan smiled.

"looking forward to it." i smiled.

"go play with her for a little while i finish up." ethan said, ushering me out of the kitchen.

"okay!" i laugh a little.

"your daddy is going to become a great chef, i know it.. and i haven't even tried his cooking yet." i smiled at my daughter.

she smiles back at me and i start to tickle her tummy as she begins to laugh.



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