Las Vegas Trip 2

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After waking Ethan up and making him get ready, we were finally in the car heading out to get food.

"So where are going to get food?" Emma asked from next to me.

This time she decided to sit in the back with me because she was still half asleep and because she didn't want the sun to hit her face at the moment.

"Norms?" I asked them.

"You just read my inner thoughts." Grayson said, turning back to look at me.

I laughed and we High fives each other.

"Norms it is then." Ethan said as he started to take the route to the closest Norms.


Once we got there, we were immediately seated. Which was surprisingly because it was the afternoon and it's Vegas and it's usually packed by this time. But i guess not that many people were craving Norms today.

"What would you like to drink?" The waiter asked us.

Emma immediately said coffee and the waiter laughed. He then turned to look at us and I ordered the cotton candy drink and the twins ordered lemonade.

Once the waiter left, Emm laid her head down on the table and I looked at her confused.

"Aren't you gonna see what you're gonna get to eat?" I asked her.

"I already know what I want. I just need my coffee right now and I will be back to normal." She said.

"But this isn't you. Usually you're awake earlier than us, earlier than Grayson as a matter of fact. And you have the most energy than all of us even though you're awake by 6 am." I say to her.

"Yeah, but since we had an almost all nighter last night, I'm not myself right now." She said.

I just nodded and went back to menu to see what I wanted to eat. There were so many good ass things that I wanted, but I could only choose one at the moment.

"Here you go." The waiter said handing us our drinks.

"Yes! My coffee!" Emma some what yelled and start to chug it down.

We all ordered our food and the waiter walked away so he can give the cook our order.

"So what do you guys want to do after breakfast?" Ethan asked.

"Let's explore. No wait! Let's take her to our favorite places in Vegas since this is her first time." Emma said, all excited.

"Well someone is back to normal." I laughed.

"Hey, coffee does amazing things to you once it goes down your throat." Emma said pointing at me.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Okay, so you guys are taking me to your favorite places in Vegas."


After breakfast, the very first place they took me too was the mall, but they took me into Gucci.

"I feel like I already owe the store $1,000 just by walking in." I said as I looked in awe at all the clothes and bags placed around the store.

They all laughed it off. "You know, when Emma said you guys be taking me to your favorite places, I didn't think Gucci would one of them."

"You were so wrong on that one. Gucci is our favorite place." Ethan said as he looked through some shirts he found.

"Honestly, I still can't believe that you haven't been to a Gucci store and you've been a YouTubed for the past year and a half." Grayson said.

"Well sorry, but i just don't feel like spending a lot of money on something that is only expensive because it's Gucci. I can easily buy belt, shirt, pants, shoes, and bags is other stores that won't cost me so much." I say.

"Yeah we get it, but I mean, it's Gucci." Grayson said.

"Yes, I get it too, it's an on brand thing. Buts it just not me. I may buy something out of this store in the future. But right now I don't really see the point." I shrugged.

"And we're totally fine with it. But since you agreed with Emma that we bring you to our favorite spots, you have to put up with us taking your to places like these." Ethan said.

"Okay, Okay. But can we please go to your other favorite spots? Cause then I'm gonna feel even more poor once I see one of you buy something from this store." I say.


We had went to many places at Vegas. At night, we went to the fountain that had dancing water. It was so beautiful and I was so mesmerized by it. I think I even noticed Ethan staring at me while I was watching the water dance with the music.

"Please tell me you saw Ethan staring at me." I asked Emma as I pulled her away from the twins.

"I did and I think someone has the hots for you." She shoved me while raising her eyebrows at me.

"Oh please, like he'd have the hots for me. He doesn't even like me like that." I say as I look down, playing with my fingers.

"Trust me, I know he does." Emma said.

"What I'm getting right now is that Ethan may have told you that he has the hots for me but you don't want to tell me because you want us to figure it out by ourselves." I say to her.

"That is... something you have to find out on your own."

"Emma! Stop playing games with me! Just tell me if Ethan likes me or not!" I beg her.

Instead of saying something to continue this argument, she just looked at me with big eyes, raising her brows and slowly walking away. "Emma!"

She didn't even bother to look back, she continued to walk away from me. I huffed our and dragged myself towards her.

"It's getting late, we should get back to the hotel." Ethan said.

We all nodded and before we started to walk back to the car, Ethan suggested that we should get in the hot tub. We all agreed since none of us were really tired, only of standing.


Last part will be posted soon❤️

Also it's been three days since I graduated High School and it still don't feel as if I did. I just feels like in three months I'm gonna go back to the same High School and finish up my last year there, but in reality, I already did my final job there and now I'm just waiting to go to college.

They really didn't lie when they said that your four years of high school fly by fast, because I could've sworn two days ago I was barely finishing my first week of freshman year.

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