New Year's Kiss

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*this was requested by @user49824683 so thank you for the idea💘

normally some people would celebrate New Years by going to a party or hanging out with your family or going on vacation somewhere nice. not me.

i was spending this New Years Eve with the Dolan Twins. you may wonder why or how, and i've got just the answer to that.

everyone knows that the twin are on MTV's TRL. and it just so happens that this year, this Thursday is New Years. so the twins have to be on. thankfully, my parents let me come see this live. best part is that i am in the section where the twins will be counting down til the clock hits midnight. (reminder this is all just an imagine so the twins are not doing this on New Year's Eve)

they even have something in store for the fans who are here but they haven't told us what it is just yet. they want to announce it on tv and at the right moment. i'm eager to find out what the surprise is and i just can't wait.


it wasn't long before the twins came on. of course i was loosing my shit because this is my first time seeing them live. i'm so used to seeing them on screens that i was starting to believe that they were just cartoons. thankfully they weren't.

while the twins were talking and all, Ethan kept taking glances over at me. of course i was melting inside every time he did. i was recording them since they were announced so i got all of it on camera. i can't wait to start looking at these on repeat.


there was only a few minutes before midnight and that was when the surprise was revealed to us.

"Since we want to start the new year with a bang, we have a dare for you two."

"well, we aren't playing truth or dare but i'll take it. what about you Grayson?" Ethan said.

"i'm down for anything." he replied.

"good. we dare you to kiss someone random in this room when the countdown ends."

everyone was shocked, even the twins. i nearly felt like i was going to faint in the process, but i knew if i did, i would miss most of what will happen next.

"you guys up for it?"

it took a while for them to reply but in the end, they took it. looks like one of us will get to kiss the dolan twins on TV.

as the clock started ticking, i was growing more nervous because no one knew who the twins had chosen. they were given a few minutes to choose their girl we all want to know who they fucking chose!

"dolans, get your lips ready, the count down is starting."











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