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"please tell me how you managed to make me agree to this?" i asked Grayson as i sat in the driver seat.

"because we both love annoying Ethan." Grayson said smiling.

i couldn't argue with that because it's true. even though i love Ethan, annoying him is always so much fun because he looks so cute when he's pouting. besides, it's not like i'm on Grayson's side. i'm on both sides. i annoy Ethan with Grayson and i prank Grayson with Ethan. it's a win win for me.

right now, Grayson was driving us to one of his favorite stores to buy Halloween decorations and we were gonna decorate the entire house with them once we get home. it's September 6 and the one thing that annoys the shit outta Ethan right now, is Grayson putting up the Halloween decorations one month before October even starts.


we arrived at the store and i got us a cart and we went inside and went straight to the Halloween decorations. let me just say, Grayson's face lit up at the sight of the decorations and it was so cute.

"okay, we gotta get this... oh and this... hmmm... this... definitely this!" Grayson started mumbling to himself as i just walked behind him with the cart and him just throwing stuff in.

"we need this!" he exclaimed as he turned around to face me and i see him holding a box with the image being an inflatable ghost that is meant for the front of the yard of the house.

"Grayson, that thing is meant for people who drive past your house so they can see it, right there where you live, no one is gonna see it. also, don't even think about putting that in the living room because that thing is huge!" i say to him.

"but, y/n!" Grayson whines.

"don't but me. put that back mister." gosh i sound like his mother.

after what felt like five hours of looking at halloween decorations, we finally went to check out.

"wow, you must really love halloween to be buying this much decorations." the lady at the check out said.

"yeah i do. but we are also pranking my brother because he gets annoyed when i start putting up the Halloween decorations too early." Grayson told her.

"oh yeah, that's a good prank." she said laughing a little.

after check out, i pushed the cart out of the store and Grayson was so happy that he had gotten this many decorations.

after check out, i pushed the cart out of the store and Grayson was so happy that he had gotten this many decorations

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"oh yes! let's hurry up to get back home so we can start!" Grayson said practically almost yelling.

"alright." i ran to the car and Grayson followed behind.

we quickly loaded up the car and we got in and drove back home. we made a stop at Starbucks because i was really craving their passion tea lemonade sweetened.

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