summer adventure

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"hello?" i say into the phone since i didn't check the caller ID.

"what's up y/n!?" i hear Ethan and Grayson's voice yell through the phone.

"oh my god, hey guys! i didn't know it was you guys!" i say getting all happy and grabbing the phone as i continue to get ready.

"how did you not know it was us? i'm calling you through my phone." Grayson said in a duh tone.

"well sorry sarcastic ass, i was busy getting ready to leave. remember?" i say back to him.

"are that much in a rush?" Ethan asked.

"well i wasn't supposed to be this much in a rush but my roommate decided to come home drunk as shit last night and she thought that i was hiding her vape in my suitcase and started to throw out all my clothes from the suitcase. but since you guys know i'm a heavy sleeper, i didn't know until this morning. mainly because i saw my suitcase hanging from the ceiling fan!" i exclaimed at them.

"i'm sorry! but at least i helped you pack up again!" my friend said from the couch.

"yes and i thank you for that. but i still don't know how you manage to get home drunk without your parents finding out." i say.

"they are heavy sleepers. they can deadass sleep through a tornado and wake up with the house blown away." she exclaimed.

"lesson learned, hide your suitcase from your roommate when you are traveling somewhere." Ethan said.

"noted, hold up. i need to order an uber to the airport. my flight leaves in 2 hours and it takes almost an hour to get there because of traffic." i said as i go onto the uber app and order one.

"we are honestly excited that you are coming back. we miss you around here." Ethan said.

"aww you guys." i say as i put my hand on my heart.

"Ethan misses you the most. ever since you went to Jersey to finish high school, he's been sleeping in your room." Grayson said, exposing Ethan.

"dude! you weren't supposed to tell her that!" Ethan said.

i heard a slap sound next, meaning that Ethan just smacked Grayson over the head again.

"it's okay, E. i'll just sleep in your room when i get there." i say. "oh, now that's a video idea!" i say, starting to feel like my old self again.

"trade rooms for two days and we can only use each other's stuff... except for phones and credit cards and underwear.. because there is no way that i'm wearing a thong." Ethan said.

"true, mainly because you don't the cake for it." i say as i start to take my suitcases out of the house.

"okay that was rude." Ethan said. i laughed and saw that my uber driver was almost here.

"guys i have to go my uber driver is almost here and i still need to bring out my suitcases." i say to them.

"okay, we'll see you in a few hours. bye y/n!" Grayson and Ethan said.

"bye!" i hung up and put my phone in my back pocket.

"well, it's time for me to go, love." i say to my best friend who gracefully took me in when i had decided to move back to Jersey to finish high school.

i know you're wondering why i didn't just move back in with my parents but the thing was that i couldn't. there was no more room for me. since i left, other family members moved in with them and took up my room and the guest rooms and the basement. so my best friend took me in and i've been living with her for the past year.

but the main reason why i decided to finish high school back in my old high school is because i always wanted to walk in the ceremony and see the proud look on my families faces. i always wanted to have the feeling where you know you made it. so that's why i came back. but coming back also meant that i had to move out of the twins house. the three of us lived together, we practically did everything together, it was always us three, so when i had to leave for an entire year, it was hard.

but yes, they did come for my graduation. but they had to had back to LA because they had a very important meeting with their manager. they had been planning on going back on tour but they don't want the fans to know just yet. they are still trying to get bigger venues and make better merch and so many other shit that they want to be bigger and better than their last tour. plus, they want to make the tickets affordable, which was a bit hard because some people can be very stingy with the profit, but they manage to make it affordable enough for the fans and for profit to not be too low for those who are stingy.

my friend helps me take out my luggage outside and the uber driver is there. once he sees me, he comes out and starts to help me put the bags in the car.

"i'm gonna miss you bitch." she said as she pulls me into a hug.

"i'm gonna miss you too." i say as i tighten our hug.

"just promise me you'll try to visit as often as you can." she said as we pulled away.

"of course. besides, the twins want to start spending more time with their family so i know for sure i'll be back soon." i say to her.

"okay, i'll see you soon then." she said as she whipped a tear away.

"soon." i nodded my head as i start to tear up too.

i pull her in for one more hug before getting into the uber and driving off.

i pull out my phone and go on snapchat. i pick a filter and start recording.

"i'm off the airport now. i'm going home. LA, here i come." i cut the video and post it.


part two will be posted soon!💕

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