oh my god...

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(this is part two to 'dead boyfriend' so read that one first before you read this one)

it's been a few years since gray and i talked to ethan on the board. we still miss him and we still feel his presence, but we don't mind it. gray and i are still continuing as friends. i know that ethan said gray liked me, we gray didn't feel right to be dating his dead brothers girlfriend. neither did i. it was hard for gray to forget his feelings for me, but i told him that i'd help him even though we both knew that that was probably not a good idea. but we still did it and now, we accomplished it. 

the only down side of this life was of course that we were still missing ethan. nothing was the same anymore. making videos with gray on their channel didn't feel right. but it was what ethan wanted. so many things didn't feel right, but we did if for him. 

we are doing all of this, for him. he's our everything and we just want him to be happy. but don't take this the wrong way. just because we are doing certain things for ethan doesn't mean that we aren't loving it. it just still feels weird doing it. mostly because so many things that we have been doing always has a memory of ethan. but it's just what happens when someone you really love and care for dies. 


today, gray and i went to the mall just to hang out and have fun. not only that, but we have a party to go to later on today and we need to get ready for it. Gray is going to help me out with  my outfit and then i'll help him.

we went into FOREVER 21 and i had to try on so many different clothing's until he finally found one that we both liked. then right when i finished paying for my outfit, we went to see what he can wear.

it was a lot easier to find him clothing since we both like the same outfits quick because he has good ass taste in clothing. right when he finished, we left the mall to get ready. 

we were jamming out to some music on the way home and it was loads of fun. there were so many throwback songs because we took turns using the aux cord and i have a bunch of throwback songs. we were at a stop light, but it soon turned green. grayson continue to drive but a truck didn't seem to notice it was our turn to go and crashed right into us.

 everything went black for a while until i opened my eyes and i saw grayson bleeding. i tried with all my strength to crawl towards him. i tried to wake him, but he wouldn't. i check his pulse, but there was nothing there.

"no...no... grayson please..." i knew there was nothing i could do, he was gone. 

i did't want to continue to live in a world with the Dolan Twins... they mean everything to me... i grabbed a piece of glass close to me and held it right above my chest. 

"i'm sorry, mom and dad and everyone else, but i can't live without them." i cried and i then stabbed myself.

i started to see blackness until i saw nothing but the dark.

but i then soon started to see a figure running towards me. when the figure got close enough, i realized it was Grayson. "grayson? i thought you were dead?" 

"i am dead, and so are you now." i looked at the ground as soon and he picked me up and i saw myself, my whole body pale and no pulse, no heartbeat. 

"why did you do it? we promised ethan we'd be there for the fans, for our family." Grayson remarked.

"i know, but i can't live without you guys. i've known you guys all my life, i can't just lose you both. i'm not going to continue without you two." i said to him.

"even though we broke ethan's promise, he is still happy that we can now be with him." 

"how do you know?" i asked him.

he moved to the side and there... i saw him.


"hey... y/n"

no part three sorry that's the end

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