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"Guys, I'm gonna but a water bottle, I ran out!" I yell over the loud music.

"Okay." My friends said back as I got up and walked away.

The outdoor shop was far away from where we were sat at. But I kept looking back to make sure that I wouldn't get lost.

I soon got to the stand and bought a water. All they had was Fiji water, which was $2.50. Expensive much?

I quickly took a sip and then made my way back. But I couldn't see my friends anywhere. It started to worry me. I looked around me to hopefully find them sitting down somewhere, but I couldn't find them. I was starting to panic. I pulled out my phone, and called them, but none of them answered.

I kept walking, looking all around me and nothing. I started to walk backwards and I accidentally bumped into someone, making me trip and fall backwards.

"Fuck!" I said as my back came in contact with the ground.

"Shit, are you okay?" A guys voice spoke out.

I couldn't see his face because of the beaming sun, but I was able to see his hand waiting for me to take it. I grabbed a hold of it and he lifted me off the ground. I dusted myself off and I looked up at him.

"Thanks.. um?" I was finally able to see his face and let me tell you, it was God himself.

"Ethan, Ethan Dolan." He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Ethan, thank you Ethan." I said to him.

"What's your name?" Ethan asked me.

"Y/n." I told him.

"Y/n? Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said flirting with me.

I smiled and felt myself blush.

"Is there a reason why you were walking backwards?" He asked me, chuckling a little.

That's when it all hit me as to why I'm in this situation. "Oh, shit! I was trying to find my friends! I went to buy water but I got lost and now I can't find them. I tried calling them but neither of them are answering."

"Oh, well no worries. They will turn up soon." He said, reassuring me.

"I know they will, but, I'm just worried since I am by myself." I said to him.

"Well, now that's I'm here, you're not alone." He smiled.

"Please, for all I know you could just be a killer trying to blend in with the crowd just so you can find a target to take back with you a murder them." I said to him.

He laughed while looking down at the ground. "That's a scary thought, but no. I'm not one of them. I'm just like any other person at this place."

"You telling the truth?" I asked him.

"Yes, no need to worry about me." He said.

"Okay, i believe you." I told him.

"Good, cause then I wouldn't be able to help you find your friends." He said.

"You want to help me?" I asked.

"Yes. Like you said, there could be a killer around here and if that killer finds out you're by yourself then you will be an easy target." He said.

"Okay you're making it sound like you ARE the killer." I said.

"Do you want me to help you find your friends?" He chuckled.

"Yes." I say.

"Okay cutie. Let's go." He said.

WHOS READY FOR COACHELLA PICTURES!? Honestly tho I'm jealous bc i was supposed to go this year but I didn't save up enough money😭

Next year tho. Also I hope that we get some Sister Squad pics bc i honestly miss them together

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