Surprise! (3)

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once we finished baking the cookies and my catching up with Lisa and Sean, the twins and I went up to Grayson's room. i asked them if they could help me out with editing my video. they agreed and we all gathered around Grayson's computer. i plugged it in and the clips started to import into his computer.

"where you vlogging your trip?" Ethan asked.

"yup, i need this moment saved. i want to remember it when i'm 80!" i laughed a little.

as we waited for the clip to import into Gray's computer, the twins told me to help them out figure out a video for Tuesday.


we spent hours thinking about a good video idea. the twins helped me out with my video as we continued to think. it wasn't until we had finished editing the few clips that i got before i though of an idea.

"guys!" they looked at me, "why don't you guys do a 'Cameron Dares Ethan and Grayson'!?" i said.

they looked at each and then looked back at me. "fuck no!"

"why not!? it would be fun!" i said.

"y/n, you've met our sister. she would torture us!" Grayson said.

"so? it's not like it's anything new to you guys. i mean you even said it yourselves, you enjoy to torture yourselves. so what difference does it make really?" i gave them the duh tone.

"she does have point, Grayson." Ethan said, agreeing with me.

"okay.. yeah. i'll give you that. but she would kill us!" Gray kept on complaining.

"Grayson! you guys don't have even time to think for a new video anymore! you have to post the video in two days! and you certainly can't start right now since it's already dark! you need to film tomorrow!" i say to him.

"Gray, we cant skip Tuesday. we have to go with that plan. even though we will hate this so much, we don't have any other options." Ethan said, trying to reason with Gray.

"ugh! alright fine!" he then turned his head towards the door and yelled, "Cameron!"

"what!?" we heard her yell back.

"can you help us out with a YouTube video tomorrow?" Ethan then screamed.

"okay! what do you want me to do?" she yelled back.

"come up with dares that want use to do!" Grayson then yelled.

"okay!" she yelled back.

"okay, now that that's done with, let's get some more clips for your vlog." Ethan said looking at me.

"what do you guys have in mind?" as soon as i said that, i regretted it instantly because they gave each other the evil look.


after doing that shit that scared me and that made my nonexistent ass hurt like a bitch, we went back inside and i took a shower in Ethan's bathroom.

as i was showering, i heard the door open. i didn't move and i just tried to listen in. i heard some footsteps and i was like, what the fuck.

"Ethan?" i figures since it was his bathroom it'd be him, and i was right.

fucker pulled open the curtains and i screamed because of the sudden move. "bitch!" i yelled.

Ethan just laughed. he had the camera in his hand and he was recording me. it didn't bother me because we are dating and we have shower together before so yeah, and the camera part, well either way he has to blur it out if he puts that clip into the video.

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