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I woke up to my phone chirping beside my bedside. I reached over, feeling skin against my skin and opening my eyes a little bit more, looking to the side of me and seeing a guy from school. He was a grade above me, I instantly knew who he was. Dan Pember. He was a bit of an asshole who made fun of anyone who was openly not straight. I couldn't help but smirk when I figured out he was the one who fucked me last night. I like to think there is some truth to the saying of how most homophobes are gay themselves.

I reached over as lightly as I could as to not disturb him, finding my phone on the floor. I noticed I had about a billion texts from Kendall before I accidentally opened my front camera, seeing that I looked like an actual bag of trash. One of the most fun parts, arguably, about wearing makeup was getting it messed up by having really good sex. Except in all honesty, I don't remember at all if it was good sex. I just know it was sex.

I stood up, pulling on my jeans off the floor, figuring it was my house and I wasn't going to be going anywhere so I could go commando. I stopped off at the bathroom, finding a pack of baby wipes and removing all the leftover makeup off my face from the day before. Something I found out the hard way, leaving on yesterday's makeup too long makes you break out like a 13 year old boy.

I exited the bathroom quickly and moved down the hall and into the living room where Kendall was face first on the floor, eyes open and arms to her sides. I chuckled, squatting down next to her and pushing her hair behind her ear and out of her face.

"You okay love?" I asked, smiling.

"No." She shook her head. "I drank too much last night. This is the only way I can lay without vomiting."

"You're on your stomach how does that make any sort of sense?" I held back a laugh.

"Don't question my body, Gabriel."

"Only if you agree to never call me Gabriel again."

"No dice my friend." She smiled, sitting up on all fours and groaning quietly, leaning her upper half to the ground keeping on her knees, ass in the air.

"Why are you laying like you're about to get dicked down?" I chuckled, unable to hold back my laughter at her hung over, half asleep, ridiculousness.

"It's comfy!" She grumbled, looking up at me through her lashes. "Make me some coffee?" She asked and I nodded, patting her head and standing up, making my way into the kitchen.

I turned on the light and opened the kitchen window, clicking open my phone and leaning against the counter, scrolling through my music before playing a song I liked and starting to make her some coffee. I heard her groan again, ignoring it and assuming she had attempted to stand up again (and failing). I heard the sound of the coffee hitting the pot, mumbling along to my song and hearing my front door slam. Another assumption, Dan had woke up, figured out what he did and decided he needed to leave as quickly as humanly possible. It must be sad to be unable to admit to the things you like.

I got a mug from the cabinet, setting it down and pouring the coffee into the mug. A few spoonfuls of sugar, some milk and vanilla creamer and it was to perfection just how Kendall liked it. I walked back into the living room, seeing her sat on her knees and hands in her lap, a pout across her face, the right side of her hair looking like a bird's nest from laying on it. I handed her the cup and she sipped it, looking thankful and better already.

"You're like a professional in the How Kendall Likes Her Coffee olympics." She complimented, taking another sip and smiling a bit.

"I've been making you coffee for three years so I'd sure like to hope so." I chuckled, moving to sit by her and moving my knee up, resting my arm on it and leaning against the coffee table.

"You'd definitely win against anybody else. Mark always forgets the milk." She rolled her eyes, turning and setting down her mug on the table. "I gotta get home soon. Thankfully, it's Saturday. Downside of today, I told my mother I'd go with her to see grandma in the home at noon."

"It's like 10:30 you got some time." I said, nodding. "You can use my makeup to get ready if you want, borrow some clothes too."

"Thanks." She agreed, smiling. "I'll probably wear the pants I have on now because well, we aren't the same size in pants. But I'll definitely be taking a shirt and a jacket from you. My main man got a sick sense of style." She said, fist bumping me and standing up, stretching. "You got a straightener I can use?"

"Yeah, in the drawer under where all my makeup and shit is." I nodded, standing up and grabbing her mug, bringing it to the bathroom for her as she walked there, rummaging through my drawers. "I'm gonna go lay down okay?" I said and she nodded, tying her hair back and ignoring me already.

I walked the few feet it took to get to my room, laying down on my back, arm over my eyes and yawning quietly. I was drifting in and out of sleep in my partially hungover daze, only really waking up when Kendall came in for clothes, then again when I heard her leave through the front door. As I passed out, I realized, today had been an actual good day so far. 

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