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I always had a deep and intense hatred of birthdays. Especially my own. Why would I celebrate being a year closer to death, a year more into adulthood, a year farther from the last time I can remember being happy? Kendall made no fuss out of it, she cared as little as I did. My mother didn't send her regards, neither of my parents did, nor my step father, aunts, uncles, cousins, anyone. I guess I wasn't the only one who could care less I had turned 20.

I was finally done with being a teenager at the least, I suppose that was something I should be happy about. Since I wasn't a teenager anymore Brian would stop calling me his little teen rebel. I was the baby of the den, so they all treated me as such I guess. It was kind of nice though. I hadn't told them it as my birthday, I don't like birthdays so I'm obviously not going to tell my friends when it is because I'm sure knowing them, or knowing Peach I should say, they would try to make a fuss out of it.

Kendall is watching a movie, Logan is napping. I figure it a good idea to head out. The house is depressing anyways. Being ignored by my soon to be wife, my pride and joy peacefully resting, it seemed like a good time to leave. I head out without saying so, nobody cares I'm leaving anyways. I toss my house key up in the air as I walk, catching it faultlessly each time.

I hate the weather in this state. It's always gray, cloudy and humid. But it's either really hot, or really cold, and hardly ever an in between. It was honestly hell in the summer, everything stuck to you from the humidity and in the winter it snowed so bad every cable television in town would shut off for days at a time.

The bright side to this shitty town was there was very little police to worry about, everyone knew each other or were connected in someway, and it fit my mood perfectly. It was my home, really. As much as I hated it, complained about it, whatever. It was my home, and I could never imagine living anywhere else so long as I live. I had always thought home to be somewhere if you left for a while, you'd miss being there. I think I'd miss it here if I lived anywhere else. As shit as it i, it's the shit I grew up with. It's my home. 

Once I get up to the lounge I sit on the couch, putting my feet in Leonard's lap and looking to the back of the room to see Brian talking to some shady dude, holding a small label-less pill bottle in his hand. I suppose he was making a business transaction. I hardly ever see him in action, it was kinda neat. In a really sick, weird way, I liked seeing Brian deal. He was so charming, he could sell to anyone, even straight edge folk had a hard time passing up his product. The man knew how to sell. 

Leonard pretty much ignored me, too focused on the game in front of him on the shitty tv we had up here. Brian was the only one allowed to touch the remote, but Leonard used a gaming console which technically didn't involve him touching the remote, so Brian called it fair and let him have at it. Once Brian finished he walked over, sitting next to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder, grinning.

"You know who I got a visit from today?"

"The pope?" I joked, dead pan. 

"A man with some questions. A man who had a very...familiar last name. Kelly. Know anyone with that surname?" He smirked at me.

"What'd he want?" I asked.

"His ex-wife apparently told him that you hung out "down town" pretty frequently, and he drew to his own conclusions. A relative I'm assuming? One with a familiarity, to the services we down here provide?"

"My father, I'm gonna guess." I murmured miserably. "What did he want with you guys?"

"Wanted to know if his son had been around these parts. Of course, I didn't tell him anything. I ain't a snitch unless you happen to fuck me over."

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