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-Mal's POV-

"Change of plans, we won't be there yet, and only Maleficent is going back, and she'll go back here every weekends" FG said, we nodded, then a limo came in front of us, we all got in and just waited, "Guys, we can't be ourselves there, we're not sons and daughters of iconic villains and princesses, we need to change our identities" Jay said breaking the silence, "Jay's right, well let's think of names shall we?" Carlos said, "I will be Malissa, and just tell them to call me Mal, so it won't be that hard" I said, "I'd be, Evelyn, Evie for short" Evie said, "E, since they will all know that Mal is our sister, you can be our cousin" Liv suggested, "Thanks" Evie smiled, "I assume that you will all keep your names the same way because they're not weird" I said, they all nodded, "Hey, don't forget about me, my name's weird" Uma said, "It's okay" Maddie said, "You sure?" she asked, Maddie nodded, "I'll take Ben and Chad" Josh said, "Really? Thanks!" Chad thanked Josh, "I'll take Jay and Gil" Holden said, "Harry, Doug, stay with us" I said, "Yeah, but Doug can't we can't say he's our cousin, I mean, Evie is already our cousin, it would be weird, I mean they're dating" Parker said, "Good Point, we'll take Carlos then" Maddie said, "Doug and Jane, you're with me" Andie said, then that leaves, Willow with Audrey and Lonnie, "Guys, we're here" LIv said, I can't wait to meet dad.

-Maddie's POV-

The others went home already to start explaining to their families, they all called and their families agreed, this is actually Mal's first time meeting dad, hope they get along, I opened the door and didn't saw dad, I hear a basketball, "Mal, Liv, Carlos, Evie and Harry follow me" then we went to the kitchen, opened the door leading to our backyard and said, "Pastor Primetime, hello there" then dad looked at me, smiling, "Mad dog, you're home! Where's mom? where's Mal?" he asked, "Mom is not here yet, and Mal? Sis, come here" I said and Mal shyly walked to us, "Dad" she smiled, dad hugged him, awwwww. "I'm sorry I was never there for you before" he said, "It's fine, dad" she said, "Oh and who are they?" Dad asked pointing at Evie, Carlos and Harry, "That's Harry, you're nephew, and Evie and Carlos, Mal's Bestfriends, dad, can we let them stay here?" Liv said, "Of course" dad smiled, then we heard a doorbell ring.

-Third Person POV-

Maddie walked to the door, with her father and sisters following her, she opened the door and it revealed Diggie, "Mad Dog! you're here! I've heard about your sister, is she here? I want to give her a welcome gift" he smiled, "Dude she has a fiancee, don't hit on her" Maddie said, letting him in, "I won't, oh there she is, Hello, I'm Diggie Smalls, close friend of your family" he said shaking their hands, "Does he know?" Mal whispered into the twins ear, "Yeah" they replied, "I'm Mal, Mal Rooney, I hope that you won't betray us and spill our secret" she said, "I'm Evie Queen, Mal's best friend" Evie said, "Carlos De Vil, Mal's very childish bestfriend that doesn't want anyone hitting on her because she has a fiancé and I support them", Carlos said, "And I'm Harry Hook, their cousin" Harry said, then a knock was heard, Mal opened it and Ben was there, smiling, they all met Diggie, "Guys want some Froyo?" Diggie asked, then a thought came to Maddie, she whispered to everyone something, except LIv, "Sure, I mean-" then they sang, "We love froyo, oh, oh,oh, love froyo, oh, oh, ohhhh" Liv stood there, annoyed, "Shut up" Liv said, then they all got froyos, but headed home quickly, they decided to have a sleepover since the Rooney's head of the family will go to Auradon.

-Jay's POV-

We were all out in their backyard, then us boys keep on looking at the hoop, "Josh, up for a game of treehouse horse?" we heard Maddie say, "Oh it's on" he said then Mal twisted a gnome, a ladder came down, they both climbed and were at the top, "Guys, bet on who will win, they'll appreciate it" Holden said, well technically all of the girls were for Maddie and us guys were for Josh, they were shooting orange balls at the hoop, every shot it goes in, until they said that the shot they'll make, will declare who's the winner, Maddie shoots the ball, it went in, then Josh's didn't, well, we lost the bet, "Guys, we'll start school tomorrow, we'll stick to this, we Rooney's lost Mal before, we don't wanna talk about it coz' we get emotional blah blah blah and now we found her" Liv said, well, let's get this started.

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