First Day

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-Ben's POV-

It's our first day here, and we need to fit in, "Bro come on, you don't want to be late for Ridgewood" Josh said, "Okay, so dress a little, simpler" He added, I was wearing a suit, typical me, so then I just wore a shirt and pants, with some sneakers, Chad was wearing something similar to mine, I got my blue beanie, put it on, and went downstairs, we ate breakfast and headed to Mal's, "Guys, you're here!" Maddie said, they were all here already, "Aren't we gonna run late for school?" Doug asked, "Ummm, no, it's cowbell week, we won't get to school until an hour" Joey said, "Cowbell week?" Jane asked, "Oh yeah, so, here are your cowbells, later when dad and mom, she said she'll come, officially starts cowbell week, you need to put as many cowbells to as many people you can, if you get cowbelled, you lose" Parker said, "So, guys, all of you, you're overdressed" Liv said, "Ummmm, Harry, remove the hat, and hook, Uma, same as Harry remove the hat, you know what, we'll be right back"Liv said dragging Maddie, Parker and Joey with her, after 5 mins they all came down with clothes in their hands, "So, Mal, dress or jeans?" Maddie asked, "Jeans" she replied, Maddie threw her some black jeans with a green shirt and purple hoodie, "Audrey?" Liv asked, "Ummm, anything pink" she said, Liv handed her a pink dress and some leggings to go with it, Maddie gave Lonnie jeans and a sweater, which Lonnie gladly accepted, Jane with a blue shirt and jeans as well, Evie with a blue skirt and white top, and also leggings, Uma, jeans with black and blue shirt, Jay, jeans and Hoodie, the same goes for the rest of us boys. "Okayyyy, so now your hair..." Maddie said, "I got it, Beware foreswear, replace our hairs with normal colored hair" Mal said and she has blonde hair, but with purple highlights, Evie with black hair with blue highlights, Carlos with dark brown hair, and Uma with black hair, "Let's go" Mal said, Parker and Joey got on their bikes and pedaled away, and we all walked, we came to a building, "Welcome to Ridgewood High" Maddie said, she got inside and all eyes were on us, "So, people of Ridgewood, this is our sister Malissa, she was lost before but now she's found, we never talked about her because we were emotional about it, so, thats pretty much it, BAM WHAT?" Maddie said, then their father and Maleficent, or should I say, Mrs Rooney, "Cowbell will start in, 3,2,1" he said then blew his whistle, I saw Maddie already cowbelled Joey, Parker, Doug, Carlos, Holden, and Harry, wow she's good, Liv cowbelled Lonnie and Audrey, then Mal is nowhere to be seen, I heard someone behind me, I grabbed my cowbell and when the time was right, I turned around and cowbelled the person behind me, it was Jay, "Bennyboo, I'm impressed" Mal said going near me, I knew she's gonna cowbell me, well not today my queen, "Mal?" I said, "Yeah?" Kiss me please, I begged, I saw something behind her, as we were leaning in, we cowbelled each other, "This is an example of a strategy, that is so dumb that you used it" Maddie said, "Okay now go to your classes" Mr Rooney said, "Um, Guys? Where's our lockers?" Chad asked, "Here" Josh led us to a hall of lockers. As we were there, Mr and Mrs Rooney went up to us, "Okay Liv, Joey, Parker, hide" and they hid their faces, "Mal I recommend that you hide as well" Liv said, they all hid their faces, Mal being confused, then their parents kissed, "Okay, I'm already embarrassed" Mal admitted, and we laughed, I can't believe this is just our first hour, on our first day.

-Maddie's POV-
"It's good to be back, coach dad! Do we have a game or training or something to do with basketball today?" I asked dad, "Yeah, I won't be around later, also Diggie, he's moving again, so just teach some basketball stuff" dad said, I know what he meant by, 'won't be around' they're going back to Auradon, "Hey Hollywood, what's our first class?" I asked Liv, "I don't know, let me check" she said checking her schedule, "French Class, then Chemistry, Lunch, History, Math, Home Ec, Literature then last, Gym." She said, "Oh okay thanks" I said, I went to Mal and the others, "So, let's start class" I said. This is the summary of our classes,
French- incredibly boring
Chemistry- Evie's great at solving stuff
Lunch- best time
History- I nailed the presidents test, BAM WHAT?!
Math- pop quiz, I nailed it, again
Home Ec- torture.
Literature- Romeo and Juliet blah blah blah
Then now, we were walking to the gym, I, "Okay so porcupines, I was left in charge since coach Rooney ain't here, so, we're gonna have a competition, basketball match, two teams, Willow's team against mine" I said, "Okay my team, Stains, Um, Joey, Andie and Liv" Willow said, "You sure about that Willow?" I asked, "Willow is never wrong" she said, "Okay, my team, Josh, Harry, Ben, Mal and yeah that's pretty much it" I said, but before the game starts I explained how to play to Harry, Ben and Mal, "So all you have to do is shoot the ball or guard it, like tourney but with a bigger ball and no sticks, with a hoop and net, not a goal, and don't play too rough, okay?" I explained, "Yeah" they replied, at the end, no one won, it's time to go home, we were all sitting at the couch, oh no.

-Evie's POV-
We were all sitting at the couch, I heard Maddie groan, "Maddie, you okay?" I asked, "Guys do you realize that we are all sitting at the same place at the same time" she said, "Ugh, it goes in five" Joey counted, "4" Liv said, "3" Parker said after Liv, "2" Maddie added, "1" they all said together, then we heard a blow horn, "FAMILY MEETING! FAMILY MEETING!" Aunt Karen said walking in the room with uncle Pete, "Does this happen everytime?" Mal asked, "Yup" Parker answered, "So, Harry, Evie and Carlos, you're also included in this meeting, so, Actually there is nothing to talk about" she said, "Well I have something to talk about" Maddie said, "Parkers tunnels are unsteady, it can make the hous fall apart if the Thai cook book gets out of its place" Maddie said, "Hey can I use my powers?" Liv asked, "Liv, we never got to know your power" Mal said, "I already know" Liv replied, then she grabbed a rock and it turned into metal, not just any metal, it's vibranium, the strongest substance on earth, "That's vibranium, its indestructible" I said, "No one can really break it?" Harry asked, "Nope, no one" Carlos answered, well Liv fixed it, nothing much happened after after that, this was our first day.

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