Stress Reliever

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-Mal's POV-

"Hey Boys! Line up, NOW." I said, "Okay then, suit colors, Chad?" I asked, "Teal" he replied, "Harry?" "Red" "Gil?" "Brown" "Carlos? Jay?" "We're already done" they replied "Okay, Doug?" "Beige" "Parker?" "Blue" "Joey?" "White" "Josh?" "Black" "Holden?" "Green" "Then my work here is done!" I said storming out the room, "Guys! I'm done" I said as soon as I stepped foot inside me and Evie's room, "Thank you guys so much" Evie said pulling us into a hug, "Oh guys, do you know what Uma's color is?" Liv asked, "Teal" she said while walking in, "Hey Uma, why are you here?" I asked, "This, is for you Mal" she said handing me a paper, "Huh? What's this?" I asked opening the letter, it's from Ben, Meet me at the lockers later, I have something to tell you, it's for the cotillion, and I also have something for you, see you at 10, love you, "So?" Uma asked, "Just a meeting" I replied, "Oh, and Mal? About the food at the cotillion and at the party, I need the list tomorrow" Uma said walking out, "Okay, thank you Uma" I said, "Hey, I'm out, it's already 9:55 and I'm already sleepy" Maddie yawned, Oh no! I have 5 minutes, I can do this! I ran as fast as I can until I got there, "Ben!" I whispered, "Hey Babe" he said kissing my forehead, "What do you need?" I asked, "On the cotillion, I want us to sing the song, You and Me, are you up for it?" He asked, "Yes! So.. Rehearsal starts tomorrow?" I asked, "Exactly" he replied, "Now where's that surprise?" I asked, "Close your eyes" he said, I did what I was told and he led me somewhere, "Open your eyes" he whispered, "Ben! But this is too much!" I saw a purple motorcycle, a little bigger than Ben's motorcycle, but it's almost the same, "I love you" he said, "I love you too" he was leaning in, "Not here" I smirked, "Where then?" He flirted back, "Just follow me" I said while grabbing him by his tie, "Flirting Mal? Oh you've been bad" Ben whispered, "That's sexy, but cringe worthy at the same time" I laughed, finally reached his dorm! He then closed the door and pinned me at the wall, not too hard though, "You're mine, forever, okay?" He whispered, "Oh I'm yours Bennyboo, always and forever" I whispered back, he started to kiss my neck not going to my lips, but after a few hickeys, he finally kissed me, he then asked for entrance which I gladly gave, and here comes the makeout session of the King and the Lady of the Court, he then pulled away after a good 5 minutes, "My turn now bennyboo" I smirked and winked, I then switched our positions, giving him hickeys here and there, oof we'll be both in trouble, I then captured his lips with mine, and again turning it into a makeout session, again, but I pulled away, smirking and breathing hard, Ben said, "Care to sleep here tonight?", "Anytime" I smirked, I'm in trouble, but it's fine with me.

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