The Royal Cottilion Part Two

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-Mal's POV-
"It starts with You and Me!" Those 6 words were said before finally starting the party, I, Mal Bertha (Still hate the name! Ugh!) Rooney, is officially Auradon's lady of the court! "Mal Mal Mal Mal Mal!" Liv said running at me, "Yes?" I smiled, "So... Ben asked me if you would like to move the VK themed party next week?" She said, "Why would he do that?" I asked, "He said that since next week will be your one year anniversary here at Auradon, why don't we move it that day?" She replied, "Let me talk Evie, Carlos and Jay about it, give me a sec" I said, it was hard to walk since the floor was wet, "Guys, Ben said that the party will be moved next week, specifically, the day we got here the first time" I told them, "Okay, our Lady" they bowed, I giggled, "Hey Mal" Ben said coming up to me from behind, "Hey Ben" I said, "Can we talk?" He asked, "Sure" then he dragged me at the top of the stairs, "So Mal, since this is another engagement for our wedding, when do we get married?" He asked, smiling, "Can we do it in two months?" I asked, his face lit up, "Yes!" He said, "Everybody! Can I have your attentions please!" Ben said getting everyone's attention, "We would like to announce that Mal, your Lady, also your future queen-" Ben was saying until he got cut off by Audrey, "Is she pregnant??" She asked, I will hold that thought, "No, now may I please continue?" Ben chuckled, "We are getting married in two months" I said, "Yes! Finally!" Evie said, "All hail Our King and future Queen" Harry said, and they all bowed, "Ben, I'm just gonna go and find Maddie real quick" I whispered to Ben, "Okay" he said and kissed my forehead, after a lot of bumping into people, I finally saw Maddie at the port, "Hey Mads, why are you here?" I asked her, "Mal! Oh my gosh! Josh- Josh proposed!" She said, "Then where is he?" I asked, "He went up to get us some drinks, oh, and you won't tell anyone, we'll tell the others at the party" she said, "Awww okay, congrats!!" I hugged her, "My Lady" Josh saw me and bowed, "As much as I enjoy seeing you two happy, I would like to have some alone time with my fiancé first" Josh chuckled, "Oh sure sure, bye guys" I laughed, then it hit me, I need to make my first official proclamation, "Ben?" I called him since he was at the stairs probably about to find me, "Yeah?" He asked, "Do I need to make my first proclamation?" I asked, "Yeah, don't worry, I'll help you, okay?" He said, "Okay" I replied, for the rest of the night, there were no more worries, Auradon, I'll be your Queen, just wait.

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