The Project

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-Evie's POV-
Last night was just amazing! Mal is now Queen of Auradon, I, Evie Queen is now the Princess of Auradon, with the twins, we were all heading to class when suddenly, that loud annoying speaker started to turn on, "Hello Knights! Today is the first day of classes with our new Queen, Mal!" Applause was filled in the room, "Now for the official announcement, may the batchmates of the King and Queen proceed to the tourney field right after this announcement, thank you" I presume Fairy Godmother said, "Mal? What's happening?" I asked, "Just a little something for you guys" she smiled, "Okay?" Jay said, as we walked towards the field, you can see Mal and Ben whisper every once in a while, when we got there Mal stood at the mini stage, "Good Morning Auradon Knights!" She started, claps were heard, of course, some 'woohoooos' are heard from me and our friends, "So, last night, when me and Ben were done, um with some things" she blushed and me and our friends couldn't help but laugh, "We agreed on something, Auradon Prep, is originally a high school, but we're changing that now, starting today, new buildings are going to be built as the college section for this school, so to my batchmates here who doesn't want to let go of their places here, you're lucky I'm Queen" she joked, laughs were heard, "That's all for today, oh, and a day off for everyone! Last day is tomorrow" Mal said, as she got off the podium, I hugged her, "Hey M!" I said excitedly, "Hey E!" She greeted back, "Um Mal, what exactly is the 'thing' you and Ben did last night? Hmmm I wonder?" Uma teased, "Oh you kn-" "Mal's pregnant" Ben rudely cut Mal off, "We were telling them later!" Mal whined, "Too bad too sad" Ben teased, "M? OH MY GOSH I AM GONNA BE AN AUNT!" I squealed, all of us did, well, the boys were shaking eachother but, eh, it's the same, "There's something else" Ben smiled, "We were just joking! Ha! If you just saw your faces! Priceless!" Mal laughed, "MAL!" All of us yelled, "What? Can't a Queen have fun?" She said while laughing her head off, Ben doing the same, "I can't believe they're our King and Queen" Audrey said, Mal and Ben suddenly frowned, "I take offense to that!" They both said at the same time, then laughed their heads off again, "You two are so childish" Liv said, again, they frowned, looked at eachother and laughed, "Oh no! What day is it today?" Mal asked, "Monday" we all answered, "SHOOT I HAVE TO PASS MY PROJECT TOMORROW!" Mal said as she rushed to the art room, everyone quickly following behind, as we reached the art room, all of us were amazed by what we saw, on the huge wall like canvas, all of our faces were spray painted, "I thought you weren't done yet?" I asked, "The titles aren't done yet, along with my speech with it" Mal said admiring her work, "I want you guys to pick out your titles" Mal said, "Sure" Jay smiled, as Mal did some more highlights on her project, we thought of titles, if her project gets chosen, which will definitely happen, it will be presented next month at the end of the school year dance, this was her year long project, which I know she put a lot of effort in, "I thought of something" Holden said, "What if we put our known nicknames for us, since that what makes us what we are" he continued, "Sure" Parker said, I stood up and stood beside Mal, "Hey M?" I said, "Yeah?" She asked, "I have mine already, it's, 'The Lost Princess'" I said, "Because?" She asked with her eyebrows raised, "I was a lost Princess before, growing up I thought I was born into the wrong place, I was trained to be a princess, therefore I'm a lost Princess, but no, I am born into the right place, and I have the right title, for I am the Princess of the Isle of the Lost, and remembering that motivated me to be more than a pretty face, it made me who I am now" I said, "Okay" she said and started to spray paint, then Jay came, "Prince of Thieves" he said, "Don't explain, I know why" Mal laughed, then Carlos came, "The boy who was afraid" Carlos said, "No explanation too!" Mal laughed once more, "Captain" Uma simply said, "No explanations as well" Mal chuckled, "First Mate" Harry sang, well kinda, "I don't need your explanation why" Mal smiled, "Second Mate or Left hand man" Gil joked, "Eh, I get it, move along" Mal teased as she continued to spray paint, "The True Love" Holden said, "Why?" Mal asked, "I was Liv's true love but she let me go the first time" Holden explained, Liv blushed, "So that's the story!" Mal exclaimed as she got back to her spray painting, "The J Man" Josh said, "I get it, Maddie did that?" Mal asked, Josh gave her a thumbs up, then Parker went next, "Doctor P" he said proudly, "And I'm guessing Joey will say falcon?" Mal asked, "Yup" Parker answered, "Hey, I'll be Prissy Pink Princess" Audrey yelled, "I know!" Mal answered, "I'm Hollywood and Maddie's Mad Dog!" Liv yelled, Mal just nodded, "Charming" Chad said, Mal just nodded, "Warrior" Lonnie said and Mal smiled, after she spray painted our titles, hers and Ben's were left, "The King" Ben said as he hugged Mal from behind, "And The Queen" Mal smiled, "Okay! Now for the spe-" "I'm done doing your speech" I told her, "Really?" She asked, I nodded, "Thank You E!" She said, now time for the ceremony...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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