For Family, For Love

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*Warning, curse words used in this chapter*

-Evie's POV-
Revenge, revenge, revenge, that's what's in our heads the past few days, we didn't go to school, we're here at the hospital 24/7, and sometimes in the Isle to plot revenge, "Hey Mal, I miss you so much, I can't believe that you, the strongest person I know, is in a coma right now, Mal, you will fight this, you will wake up sooner or later, I miss you, Ben misses you, we all miss you, don't give up okay?" I said as tears fall down from my eyes, then I saw Willow beside Maddie, Andie beside Liv, it's bestfriend's hour right now, "Guys, I'll go now, they're probably waiting for me" I said as I get out, gosh Mal, I miss you very much.

-Willow's POV-
"Hey mad dog, you've been asleep for a while, it's funny to see you're not snoring, I miss you, we all do, I can't wait to see you play basketball again, k ow what, Josh is planning revenge for the three of you, I know it's wrong, but that jerk deserves it, I'll go now, I'll be back later, wake up okay? Coach is gonna get mad" I said to a peaceful Maddie, I waited for Andie, we'll be going to the isle for plotting, oh I can't wait.

-Andie's POV-
"Hiya Liv, you've been knocked out for quite some time now, I miss you so much, I miss your antics, your rants, everything, I miss you Hollywood, everyone does, you're the greatest bestfriend anyone can ask for, don't give up okay? Wake up for me, for Maddie, for Mal, for Holden, for us, I'll see you later" I told Liv, hope that works.

-Ben's POV-
We were at the Chippe shop to plot, "Guys, I just got something" Jane said, "And that is?" I asked, "Kill Diggie" she simply said, "Jane, we want him to feel pain, he needs to beg for his death!" I said, "Jeez Ben, you sound like a real villain" Gil said, "Corner him, then make him feel pain, that's all you have to do" Joey, it was the first time he'd spoken in days, "I agree" I said, "I have daggers at home" Carlos said, "I have swords here" Uma said, "I have crossbows at home" Audrey said, "Great" I said sinisterly, then Evie, Willow and Andie walked in, "Well, we have guns at home" Andie said, oh this is gonna be great, after a few more hours, we went back to the hospital, it's boyfriend/fiancé hour now, I sat beside Mal and played with her purple hair, "Hey Mal, I missed you, I still miss you, I need you to wake up, I want you to wake up, I miss your constant teasing, your smile, laugh, pranks, those green eyes I love, your kisses, everything about you, remember that one time I was sick, you stayed with me the whole time, and I'll do the same for you, don't give up alright? For you, for your family, for Evie, Jay and Carlos, for us, and for me, I love you so much Mal, you'll fight this, I'll fight for you too, I'm seeking revenge on that jerk, don't worry, I'll be here okay? I know you can hear me, always remember that I'm here and I love you, and I'm doing this for you." I told her, God I miss her.

-Mal's POV-
All I see is darkness, but I can hear things, I heard Evie, now I heard Ben, revenge? No, he can't, they can't! I don't want him to be hurt, I tried to do everything but I can't move, I am fighting, I am being strong, for now, I can't, but soon I'll be better, I can't let him get hurt.

-Josh's POV-
"Hey Mads, I miss you so much, I won't say anything yet, but we're gonna have revenge, I promise, please wake up, for me? Please, I need you"

-Maddie's POV-
I hear Josh... Revenge? What does he mean? I can't let the, do it, I can't lose them, I need them.

-Holden's POV-
"Revenge, that's what we're gonna do, doesn't sound like me right? But it's me, I'll do anything to protect you Liv, I won't let anyone hurt you anymore again, I promise"

-Liv's POV-
Holden's saying something about revenge, I know it's not good, I'm trying to wake up, but I can't, but no, I will, I need to stop them.

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