It's Goin' Down

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-Maddie's POV-
Diggie is such a stupid jerk, I know Mal won't give the wand, Carlos has his 3D printer, why do I know? I heard everything from Liv's phone, magic runs in the family so why not? When Diggie and his henchmen went out I called Liv, "Psst Liv, they're coming" I whispered, "Finally, I hope they find us" Liv replied, it's going down.

-Mal's POV-
Willow led us to this film set, "So Liv shoots Voltage here?" I asked, "Yeah" Andie replied, "So, I bet they will be hiding at the-" "They're at the clock tower?" Carlos cut me off, "Let's go!" Ben ran, when we reached the place, Diggie was there, "Oh hello your majesties" He mocked us, "HaHa very funny" I replied sarcastically, "Where's my family?!" I asked, "Where's the wand?!" He shouted back, "Minions, get them" he said, "First of all why do you want the wand?" Ben asked, "To take power, control and Auradon" he simply said, then Liv, Maddie, Mom, Dad, Parker, Joey, and Josh were dragged, "Hey Diggie, I love to start things with songs, now, if you don't get the tune or didn't think of lyrics right, hand over one of them" I smirked, as well as the others, they knew what I have in mind, "Go Smalls, start" I smirked, "Ummm uhhh" he stuttered, "Ha! One member of my family please!" I mocked, he handed Dad, "Our turn, Let's all just be smart although for you that must be hard, you'll get your wand, no one has to come to any harm! Don't try to intimidate your bark is much worse than your bite, who's the baddest of them all? I think we're finding out tonight!" We sang, "..." He still has nothing to sing, "Another one please?" Ben mocked him, he handed Mom, "Let's go make your move, peace or war it's up to you, give them up and do it now, If you don't it's going down" We sang again, "I want the wand or else your family's gone, the time is running out, you should really watch your mouth" he replied, oh really, "Let's go pound for pound were prepared to stand our ground put your swords up put me up! It's going down!" Then I got the wand from Carlos, "Mal! You don't need to do this!" Liv shouted, she's a great actress, I know she knows, "I have to" I replied, "Give me the wand!" "Give me my family!" "No!" "GUYS!" Then they threw smoke bombs, I saw Ben, Jay, Chad, Harry and Holden grab them, "Well well, Diggie" I sprayed the sleeping potion at him, "Let's go!" I said, "Hold hands!" Then I casted the spell and we were at Auradon, "Children! Welcome back!" Aunt Belle greeted us, "So? What happened?" Uncle Adam asked, "They've been kidnapped, and the one who kidnapped them wants the wand" I said out of breath, "Mal, relax, sit down for a bit" Ben said, "Liv, Maddie, Joey, Josh, Aunt M, Uncle P, you guys okay?" Evie asked, "Yeah" they answered, but what shocked me was...

Liv and Maddie passed out, "Fairy Godmother! My sisters passed out!" I panicked, I quickly checked their pulse and its still beating, "Oh my! Bring them into the hospital! Quick!" FG said, we all got inside the limo and drove to the hospital, quickly put my sisters into a room and waited, I also started to feel like fainting, and I did, all I see was darkness and a pair of very strong arms, catch me.

-Maleficent's POV-
Ahhhhh their twin sickness is back *sigh*, "Ummmm Aunt M? Why did she pass out?!" Ben panicked, "Bring her into the room as well, then I'll explain" I chuckled a little, he did what he was told and bombarded me with questions, "Ben, relax okay? It's natural that when one of them get sick, the two of them as well, it's what you call triplet sickness" I said, he sighed, then the doctor came out, "Bad news my majestic so, they're not in very good condition right now, specially Liv and Maddie, Mal is in a slightly better condition than them" the doctor said. Oh no.

-Ben's POV-
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled, "Liv and Maddie had been beaten, they have a few bruises here and there, both have a concussion, a broken rib and a few scars, while Mal has been cut in her wrist, almost killing her, now, they're all in a coma, sadly" the doctor looked down, I felt like killing Diggie, I turned around to see them all having the same expression as me, "How long will they be like that?" I asked, more softly now, but full of bitterness and venom, "Depends, but talking to them makes them loads better, I suggest you do it, if they don't wake up in a month, we'll run tests" he said, "Okay" I replied, I turned around, "Out, all of you, now." I ordered them, no one hurts my friends and my fiancé like that.

-Josh's POV-
Hate. Anger. Despise. Bitterness. Revenge. That's what's in my head right now. Ben made us go outside, when he made sure no one was looking, he screamed, "I SEEK REVENGE ON DIGGIE" he yelled, "BEN, CALM DOWN" Evie said trying to calm him, "NO I WON'T CALM DOWN, DIGGIE JUST MADE MY QUEEN, YOUR FUTURE QUEEN, YOUR BESTFRIEND, NO, SISTER, YOUR LEADER, YOUR FRIEND BE IN A COMA,  HOW WOULD YOU NOT WANT REVENGE?!" He yelled again, "Ben, calm down. We're gonna have revenge. But you better calm down" I said, they all looked at me, "Fine, Ben's right, no one hurts our sisters like that" Carlos said, "Revenge time?" Jay asked, "Revenge Time." Holden replied, "It's great to be evil again" Harry said, "It's revenge time alright" Evie said, "And guys?" Uma said, "We'll have all the ways to be wicked, for our revenge" she continued, "Yeah" Audrey said, R E V E N G E.

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