All Night Party Hard

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-Ben's POV-
It's five hours till midnight, five hours till Carlos gets on one knee and ask Jane to marry her, confused? Well it happened two days after the cotillion.

*4 days ago*

My phone buzzed as I was walking in the halls from class, with Harry, his phone, also buzzing, "Has your phone stopped buzzing yet mate? That might be Mal and this might be Uma, you know what they do when you're not in time when they need you" Harry said while getting his phone, "Oh, it's just a text from Carlos, telling to meet us at the Enchanted Lake?" He said, "Why would he meet us there?" I asked raising my eyebrow, "I don't know" He shrugged, I stopped at my lockers and saw Mal coming, "Hi Ben" she said kissing my cheek, "Hey, oh, has Carlos asked you to come at the Enchanted Lake?" I asked closing my locker, "Yeah, you got it too?" She asked, "Yeah, me and Harry got it" I answered, "Hey guys, has Carlos-" Uma said, "Yep we all got his text" Doug said cutting her off, "Oof, Doug here is being mean now, have you taught him to cut someone's sentence?" Uma chuckled, "No, he just did it on his own" Evie said, "Guys, he told us to be there in 20 minutes, it's been 10 minutes since he sent the text, we should be going" Jay said (A/N SO IN MY PREVIOUS CHAPTER, THE LIV AND MADDIE CHARACTERS ARE BACK AT STEVEN'S POINT FOR A MONTH, THEY LEFT AFTER THE COTILLION) we were walking towards the parking lot when another buzz was heard from our phones, "Don't bring Jane" Chad read, "Huh, this means he's planning something" Evie said, "Well, let's just see, so, Chad and Lonnie has their cars, Evie and Doug have their bikes, Jay and Audrey, car then Gil, Harry and Uma have their own bikes too, so me and Mal are on motorcycles" I said, "Ben, baby, stop, we know" Mal laughed, we all hopped on to our vehicles and we started to travel, we reached the place and saw a very nervous Carlos pacing, "Dude, chill, what's up?" Jay asked, then Carlos got something from his pocket, it was a ring! "Carlos? Are you gonna ask Jane?" Audrey asked, "Yup, I'm gonna ask her to marry me" Carlos smiled, "Wait! Does Fairy Godmother know?" Gil asked, "Yes, and she hugged me to the point I can't breathe" Carlos chuckled, "So? Got any plans?" Lonnie asked, "No, that's why I asked you to come" He replied, "Wait, isn't Jane gonna notice something? Like how we're all together and she's not with us?" Chad realized, "Chad, I'll go back with Audrey" Lonnie said, "Okay, bye guys, just text us the plan" Audrey said while walking away, "Two questions, when and how?" I asked, "Our One year anniversary party" Evie said, "Sure" Carlos said, "How?" Mal asked, "Hmmmm, I don't want to sing" Carlos said, "Then don't, do what you're comfortable with" Jay said, "You're great with technology right?" Doug said, "Yeah, so?" Carlos asked, "We would throw smoke bombs, then the lights will go off, then you present a video  of your memories" Harry said, "You two love Harry Potter right?" I asked, "I'll borrow my dads snitch, put the ring inside it, then once you're in front of her, catch it" I said, "Okay then, thank you so much" Carlos said, "Always welcome" Mal hugged her 'younger brother'

*Present Time*

-Carlos' POV-
I'm so nervous! Ah! 10 minutes left, I got this, I know I do. I looked at Mal, Evie, Audrey and Lonnie, they all have their smoke bombs, Uma is ready to shut the power off, Harry and Gil are already fixing the video, and Ben and Chad are already fixing the snitch and spotlight, 5 minutes... 2 minutes... Here goes nothing.

-Jane's POV-
I was talking with my mom when four smoke bombs were exploded, Then the lights went off, what's happening? Then it all grew quiet, "Um guys?" I said, I got my phone and turned the flashlight on, everyone was gone, I turned around and saw a video, of me and Carlos?

-Jane's POV-I was talking with my mom when four smoke bombs were exploded, Then the lights went off, what's happening? Then it all grew quiet, "Um guys?" I said, I got my phone and turned the flashlight on, everyone was gone, I turned around and s...

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The first time we all hung out.

The first time we all hung out

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Our first picture.

Our latest pic, at the cotillion, there were so many pictures, but what caught my attention was the last one

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Our latest pic, at the cotillion, there were so many pictures, but what caught my attention was the last one.

Why would I turn around? But still I did it, "Oh hey Jane" Carlos said, walking up at me, "Hey Carlos, what's up with this stuff?" I asked, "Oh, I don't know? Maybe this?" Then a snitch flew in front of him, then it revealed a ring, "Jane, you wer...

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Why would I turn around? But still I did it, "Oh hey Jane" Carlos said, walking up at me, "Hey Carlos, what's up with this stuff?" I asked, "Oh, I don't know? Maybe this?" Then a snitch flew in front of him, then it revealed a ring, "Jane, you were this shy girl a year ago, you didn't even dare to breathe the same air as me, but it all changed, that day I danced with you, at Ben's coronation, I felt a connection, so there, two months later, I finally asked you to be my girlfriend, and now, 10 months from that day, I'm asking you again, asking you now to be my wife, so Jane, will you marry me?" He said, the power was back on and the girls were by my side, "Carlos! Yes!" I squealed, "Really?! Yes!" He then got up and hugged me, "Jane! Congrats!" Audrey hugged me, "Aww! You've grown up so fast!" Chad said also hugging me, then I saw Mal talking to Carlos, "Carlos, first of all, don't hurt her, don't make her cry, don't do anything stupid, love her as much as you love dude, don't be irresponsible, be mature, don't have babies yet, and specially, always, I mean always, lookout for each other, okay? Congrats little bro" Mal told him, everyone congratulated us, and we're gonna be up all night partying hard.

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