Oh Cousin!

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-Uma's POV-
I woke up with a headache, saw Lonnie was still asleep, I got up, took my shower, and changed my clothes, "Morning Uma" Lonnie said, "Morning" I replied, "Oh, don't wait for me, I'll go to breakfast with Chad" She said, "Okay" I yawned, as I got out, I bumped into Harry and Gil, "Oh hey, good morning Uma" Gil said, "Morning, you two heading for breakfast?" I asked, "Obviously" Harry replied, as we were walking at the dining hall, we saw a very sleepy Doug walk out his room, "Have you guys seen Evie?" He asked, "Nope, maybe she's in their dorm room mate" Harry replied, "Okay thanks" he said, "Morning guys" Jane said as she walked up to us, "Morning" Gil said, soon enough, Mal, Ben, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Audrey and Doug were with us, we were at the dining hall when Mal spoke, "I just realized that Ben and Evie looked like siblings yesterday" she said while munching on her strawberry pancake, "I've noticed that too" Gil laughed, "Ben, Harry and Evie, actually all of you, please proceed to the castle after you eat" Fairy Godmother said as she walked past us, "I'm done" Harry got up, "Me too" Evie said, "Also me" Ben said, "C'mon guys" Mal said, hm wonder what's up.

-Harry's POV-
"Got any ideas why they want us there?" I asked, "Nope, but they only want Evie, you and me to be there" Ben replied, "I think this is about a family sort of thingy" Evie said, "Let's just find out" I said as I opened the double golden doors leading to the castle dining hall, "Father, Mother, Uncle Hook, Aunt Grimhilde" Ben nodded, "Why do you want us here?" Evie asked, "Mal? Can you please come here" Aunt Belle said, she whispered something at Mal's ear and made Mal jump with joy, "Guys!! You three are cousins!" Mal said, "Okay, but wait wait wait" I said, "The two of us are cousins, then that makes you and Ben cousins as well?" I asked, "Oh no, it's a more complicated thing but they're not cousins" Uncle Adam said, "Okay" I said, "Guys! Classes are start-" "No classes for you guys today" Uncle J went in, "Why?" Uncle Adam asked, "We haven't heard from Maleficent and her children in 2 days! I can't contact them as well! There must be something wrong" he said, "What could go wrong?" Audrey asked, then Mal's phone rang, "Hey nothing to worry about, see? Liv's calling" Mal said,
Mal- Bold
In call- italics

Hey Liv!
Mal! This is not Liv, it's Andie, someone kidnapped them! But they didn't kidnap me, Willow and Holden, but we still need help! Hurry!
Okay we'll be there!

-Mal's POV-
"Guys! We need to go at Stevens Point now" I yelled, they were all confused, "Oh c'mon! Just do what she said!" Jay said, then we all held hands and I muttered the spell, "Mal! Oh my gosh we need help" Andie said, "What happened?" I asked, "Well it happened 2 days ago,

*Flashback, 2 days ago*

"I miss Mal" Maddie said, "Yeah I miss her too, all of them" Liv replied, "I'll buy you guys ice cream, sound good? Just to make you feel better" Holden said, "Sure" he then got up and headed to buy ice cream, "Why is there a van.. There?" Maddie asked, there was a black van in front of them, "I don't know Mads" Josh answered, "I can't believe Andie and Willow got detention" Parker laughed, "What did they even do?" Joey asked, "Pranked Artie, but it backfired and it hit everyone, including teachers" Parker answered, "Guys look, people are coming down from the van" Maddie whispered, then suddenly a man was in front of them with three other guys, "Hello Rooney's and Mr Wilcox" it said, "You three! Get them!" He ordered his three men, then they all saw pitch black and they knew they were at the back of the van, Holden returned just to see the van getting away, he tried to chase it, but it was no use, he did get the plate number tho, but the problem is, how will they tell Mal?

*Back to Present Time*

"Wait, then what happened to Mom?" I asked (Still Mal's POV) "Uncle Pete said that she was kidnapped at school, then the day after, he was also kidnapped" Andie explained, "Wait, then why was Josh kidnapped as well?" Doug asked, "Probably because he'll tell if he was free" Carlos answered, "You got the plate number right?" Chad asked, "Yeah" Holden answered, "I can track that down!" Carlos said, "Good, then hey, me, Audrey, Jane, Evie, Uma and Mal will just find clues" Lonnie said, "Guys you're not going anywhere yet, they might kidnap you as well" Gil said, "That's it! Use me as bait!" I said, "No!" They all shouted, "But guys! Remember the coronation day? And the day Uma, Gil and Harry came, I gave you these rings, it could locate us, also it could be a phone, right?? Now please use me as bait" I pleaded, "Before you do that, someone's calling" Holden said, he put it in loudspeaker and answered it
Normal-Guy on the phone

Oh great! You answered!
Where are they?!
Oh you'll find them, but it's the wand in exchange for them
Just give me the wand and they're free, you have three days, tick tock
I swear-

Then the call ended, "Okay, there's gotta be an explanation for this, this person knows something about Auradon, I mean he knows about the wand, but this is Stevens Point! How would he know!" Ben paced, then I gasped, "Diggie!" I said, "I asked the twins if he knew and they said yes! It's him!" I said, "That's why he also kidnapped Josh! For revenge!" Willow said, "Carlos, did you bring your portable 3D printer?" Jane asked, "Yeah" he replied, "Carlos, make a replica of the wand" Ben said, "Wait" then e did something and the machine started to make noises, "Let's just wait" Jay said, "I'll go locate it now" Carlos said as he went to the kitchen, "I have smoke bombs" Audrey said, then she got a bag full of them, "Let's go make your move, peace or war it's up to you, give him up and do it now, if you don't it's going down" I sang, "Guys" Uma said, "We will win this, it's" "Going down" We all said, "And losing? Not an option, cause we're rotten" I said, "To the core" they answered, "Guys! The van is at, the set of, Voltage?" Carlos said, "I know where that is!" Willow, Andie and Holden said, "Okay, let's go!" Diggie Smalls, one wrong move and we'll eliminate ya.

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