👑Wedding and Coronation👑

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-Ben's POV-
Tomorrows the day, the day I get married to Mal, my everything, tomorrow, she's already Queen, oh I can't wait to see her in that dress!

-Mal's POV-
The girls and I were up all night, I'm getting married in 12 hours! I'm queen in 12 hours, "M! Stop pacing!" Evie yelled, us girls stayed at the East Wing of Ben's castle, while the boys took the West, "Isn't the west wing the place Beast hid the rose?" Liv asked of nowhere, "Oh yeah" we all realized, "I found the library!" Uma shouted, we all shuffled and ran to her, when we got there, it was true that there were almost a billion books in there! "Find the book the enchantress gave uncle Adam!" Maddie said, we just probably ended up traveling the world for an hour, so yeah...

"MAL! MAL! WAKE UP ITS YOUR WEDDING DAY" Evie yelled, I gasped, it's my wedding day! I saw the wedding dress Ben gave me, it was flawless! I took a shower, then seated at the 'chair'  they started doing my make up, then my hair, after two hours, I wore my dress, it was perfect!

-Ben's POV-
I woke up with the boys telling me to get up, in short, they dumped water on me, I got prepared then went to the cathedral, Honestly, since Mal can't choose her maid of honor, she chose Evie and the twins, my best man was Chad, Joey and Doug, bridesmaids were Audrey, Jane, Uma, Willow, Lonnie, and Andie, while the groomsmen were, Jay, Carlos, Harry, Holden, Gil and Josh, 3 hours more!

*After waiting nervously, the time came...*

I looked at my watch, sixteen minutes, reminds me of the wildcats, 16 minutes left, it's now or never, Maleficent and Uncle Pete came in first, then mom and dad, then the ring bearer, flower girls, then here comes Audrey and Jay, Carlos and Jane, Uma and Harry, Andie and Gil, Chad and Lonnie, Joey and Willow, Liv and Holden, Josh and Maddie. Liv, Maddie, Harry, Evie, Jay and Carlos, will walk Mal down the aisle, I'm gonna have a very long lecture...
But as soon as the double doors opened, I saw Mal, in her purple and green dress, I've seen Evie added some white fabric, oh and nice, she wore her combat boots, very Mal, as I looked at her face, I think I just saw an angel, her sisters, and her very closest friends started to walk her down the aisle, as she stopped in front of me, Liv started to lecture me, "Ben, I trust that you and Mal will be the best King and Queen of Auradon has ever seen, Ben, don't hurt her, I swear I'll throw lightning bolts at you if you do, well, good luck on your marriage" Liv said then she hugged Mal, Maddie's turn, uh oh...
"Ben, I won't be harsh, just love Mal as we love her, actually, love her more, you two will live your life together, okay? Hurt her and I'll rip your head off" she whispered the last part, well, that wasn't bad at all, Harry's turn, "Mate, all I'm gonna say is that if you hurt her, all it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate ya, matter of fact make one wrong move and I'll debilitate ya, and when you start to slip I'll eliminate ya, all it takes is one long look, and you have to deal with us all mate, but no, I trust you, just don't, never ever hurt her, okay?" Harry said, Jay's turn, "Man, just don't try to make her cry, okay? Good luck man, I know you will work this out, you'll see it through" Jay said while giving me a bro hug, Carlos' turn, "Don't hurt her or else, I've told them once that we've been together for like forever, we won't stop that, you're not just King anymore right now, you're duty now is to protect Mal, our leader, never hurt her okay? If you do, I'll personally ask dude to bite your butt off" he said while giving me a pat on the back, Evie's, this is gonna be long, "Ben, first of all you're part of us now, you're our brother now, without you, we wouldn't be here, I won't be lecturing you, you made us realize that we are more than just our parents, thank you, now, hurt Mal and I swear you'll never see the light of day again, never dare to hurt her, understood?" She said while fixing my crown, "Guys, I understand, I promise, I won't hurt her, Mal's the best thing I got in my life, I won't risk hurting her, I love her so much" I told them while looking at Mal, "He's right, now if you'll excuse us, we have a wedding to continue" Mal said, then the ceremony begins...

*Skip to vows*
"One year ago, I asked four Villain kids to come here, one of them was you Mal, when I saw you, I know that we'll be together, you changed my ways, you made me who I am now, Mal, my love for you, is R I D I C U L O U S, but yet it's amazing, I'd kill for you, that's how I love you, so I, Benjamin Florian, vow to love you in sickness and in health, in good times or bad, forever and always, till death do us apart, I love you Mal, did I mention that?" I said, then slipped the ring on her finger, her turn.

-Mal's POV-
"Yes Ben you did mention that, so, my vow, Ben I promise that I'll love you, no matter what, even if the kingdom turns on us, even if the whole universe turns on us, I'll love you, you made me realize what love feels like, what it really is to be just me, you loved me for being the Mal everyone knows, not the Mal that everyone expects to be, thank you Ben and I'll love you forever, through infinity and beyond, that's why I, Mal Bertha, vow to love you in sickness and in health, in good times or bad, forever and always, till death do us apart." I said, as I slipped the ring on his finger, "Now vested upon my power, I now pronounce you, Husband And Wife! You may now kiss the bride!" Fairy Godmother said, Ben pulled me close and our lips locked, after we pulled away, everyone was clapping, time for my coronation. Evie pulled me away from the crowd then fixed me, "Queen Mal, I believe it's time for you to go now" she bowed, "Oh shut it E!" I laughed, when we reached the double doors outside, she glanced at my face one more time then kissed my forehead, "Goodluck there M, I'll go inside now" she said and hugged me one last time before she went inside, we both usually kiss each others forehead, it's our sisterly gesture, (MEVIEEEEEEEEEEE💜💙), I took a deep breath, then started to walk as the doors opened, all my friends and family were at the front row, Ben at the podium, beside Fairy Godmother and his parents, as I reached the stairs that led to the podium, I knelt on the pillow, "We are all gathered here today, to witness Mal's coronation!" FG said, she went to Au- I mean Mom(since she is my mother in law now),curtsied and got the crown from her head, then placed it on my head, "Mal, do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon, with justice and mercy, as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asked, I hesitated, but remembered my answer the past month, A queen listens to her heart no matter what, A queen is based on their actions and decisions, not by the crown, then I came to an answer, "I do solemnly swear" I said, "Then with deepest pride and greatest honor, I present to you, Queen Mal!" Fairy Godmother announced, "All hail Queen Mal!" Jay said then bowed, "All hail Queen Mal!" Everyone repeated the bowed, "All hail my Queen" Ben said then bowed as well, then they all rose, I quickly ran to my friends and family, then I remembered something, Liv smirked then nudged Maddie, who quickly realized, "Attention everyone!" I said, "I believe that my sister Maddie here has an announcement" I continued, "Josh and I are engaged!" She said, everyone clapped while the cheerleading squad of Auradon Prep shouted 'Mosh' guess that's their shipname, "So sis, let's get this party started?" Liv said, "Yes, yes we shall!" I said, Let's get this started!

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