You and Me

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-Mal's POV-
I woke up next to Ben, with umm how do I say this? Hmmm no clothes? Yeah that's it, so probably, something happened to us last night, goblins we're both in trouble, "Babe, wake up" I whispered, "Morning babe, last night, was just amazing" he winked, "Ben? Did you? You know? Used?" I asked, "Yes I did" he laughed, "Phew, care to shower together?" I winked, "Let's go" he smirked

*After their enjoyed shower*

"Mal! There you are!" Evie's voice rang in the hallway, me and Ben are definitely goners, "Hey.. Evie" I said, "Hi" Ben also greeted her, "Where were you last night?" She asked, "Oh, it was late so me and Ben just decided to sleep at his dorm since it's the nearest, I mean, we wouldn't want FG to give us detentions due to not following the curfew, right?" I stated, I'll be in trouble with Evie and the twins, I swear it will happen, "Oh okay, what's with the matching hoodies?" She asked, "Nothinhs special, we just wanted to wear the same thing you know" Ben replied, "Okay then, c'mon lets head to breakfast" she said, "Let's go" I replied, (Btw guys, Mal is wearing sneakers, black ripped jeans and a purple hoodie, her hair is purple with the bangs, while Ben was wearing the same but with a Navy Blue hoodie) "Hey sis" Liv said while hugging me, "Morning Queen Mal" Maddie yawned, "Hey, I'm not queen yet" I blushed, "Yet" Ben said, I smiled, we ate our breakfast in comfortable silence, "Ben and Mal, with me, now" Evie ordered, "Yes ma'am" I said getting up, "Ben get out, Mal will be fitting" Evie said, "Okay, bye my queen" he said after he kissed me, "Okay Mal, go change" Evie ordered, I changed and called Evie, "Mal! Oh my goblins!" Evie said as soon as she saw me, "What?" I asked, "Why do you have those hickeys?!" She asked, trouble here we go, "Ummm..." I started, "Okay fine, something happened between me and Ben last night" I said, "You mean?" She started to ask, "Yes" I said blushing, "Mal! Are you sure you're not preggy?" She asked, "Yes, now chill okay? We wouldn't want trouble" I said, "Your secret is safe with me" she replied, "Mal? We need the list for the food now" Uma said while walking in, "Okay then now I know why the two of you met last night" Uma winked, "What? Who met last night?" Liv asked walking in, "I don't know" Maddie followed, when they saw me, they were shocked, "Mal, you're in trouble" Liv laughed, "What? Why?" I asked, "You do know that will be on you for three days, the cotillion is in two days" Maddie laughed, "Me and Ben are in so much trouble" I realized, "Oh you are" Uma winked, "I'll give the lists, just give me a sec" I said, "actually, anything Mrs Potts cooked, also, don't forget my strawberries" I said, "Okay then" Uma replied, "Guys! What am I going to do?" I whined, "I'll do it, make up is all you need" Evie replied, "Thanks, and oh guys! Change clothes from dresses to dance clothes, we have rehearsals" I said as I changed into my clothes before, "Let's go" Maddie said, "What're we gonna rehearse?" Liv asked, "You'll see" I smiled, we reached the amphitheater and saw them all there, "Mal! So, what song first?" Ben asked, "You and Me" I said, "Okay guys listen up, we will be performing a song at the cotillion, this is called You and Me" Ben said
Looking back at yesterday
I thought I gave it everything
But still there's so much road ahead of me
When I looked into your eyes
I guess I didn't recognize
Who we are and all that we can be

Sometimes it's hard to find yourself
But it's worth it in the end
'Cause in your heart is where it all begins

We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (woah)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me (woah, woah, hey)
It starts with you and me (woah, woah, hey)
It starts with you and me

There's something special that I've learned
It's together we can change the world
Everybody's got something that they can bring
When you take a look inside yourself
Do you wish that you were something else?
But who you are is who you need to be

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