Revenge Time

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*This chapter will be on Third Person till the end*

It's 12:00 and the eighteen teens have met up in the isle, Jane, daughter of Fairy Godmother, was looking through their friend's spell book, "Found it!" The girl said, "Hold hands guys" she said and the others did what they were told, "Revenge is what we seek, teleport us to where is the weak" Jane casted, and soon enough they were at the Ridgewood basketball court, "Why are we here?" Uma asked, "Diggie comes to school early in the morning to practice basketball, and since there are different time zones here and in Auradon, he should be here in half an hour" Willow said while glancing at the clock present above the doors, they all took their places, first to come out were the ones with the crossbows, then the ones with the guns, then the ones with the swords, and then the ones with the daggers, (Crossbows: Jane, Audrey, Joey, Parker, Guns: Andie, Willow, Doug, Holden, Josh, Swords: Uma, Chad, Gil, Carlos, Jay, Lonnie, Daggers: Ben, Evie, Harry.)
They waited until they heard the door open, it revealed Diggie along with his brother Artie and also the henchmen, "Stupid Ben! I could've been ruling Auradon right now!" Diggie yelled, "It's alright, I'm sure the triplets are dead right now" Artie smirked, Diggie returned the smirk, and the teens couldn't hold any much longer, The one with the crossbows fired at the brothers and the henchmen, "Hello Diggie" Joey said full of venom in his words, "You guys are weak! Only four?! Ha! You're next to your sisters" He said and pointed a gun at Joey, but Josh was quicker, he aimed at Diggie's leg and shot him, then soon enough they were on a full battle, more henchmen came, Uma, Gil and Lonnie were in a circle, backs on eachother, surrounded by five men, "Oh it's on!" Uma shouted, and the three of them started to sword fight the men, although the men only have guns, they disarmed them all. Carlos, Jay and Chad faced the same and did the same, the teens with the guns are head to head with some men, both were pointing guns to eachother, they won't kill them, besides, the bullets are only darts with sleeping potion... That'll make you sleep for a hundred years... But Josh's were different, his bullets were darts with weakening potion, they shot the men in front of them and shot more, Evie, Harry and Ben were face to face with Diggie, Artie and one of the henchmen, it was a full blown fight, and since it's a Saturday, no one is there to see them, even if every teen seeking revenge finished off their opponents, they were suddenly trapped, "You won't win this!" Yelled Artie, the rest were trapped while the closest to the triplets meaning Harry, Evie and Ben were about to duel with Artie, Diggie and their most loyal henchman, "Give them swords!" Ben said, then all of them were face to face with a sword in hand, they started to duel, Harry with Artie, Ben with Diggie and Evie with the henchman, blades clashed with grunts and groans, with satisfied smirks, you can see the word Hate as their blades clashed, Ben, being part of Auradon Prep's R.O.A.R, had an advantage, and Harry, who was trained by his father, Captain Hook himself, also had a huge advantage, but Evie, no one ever knew that growing up, she and Mal would secretly meet up, and start a sword fight, that way, she got good, almost as great as her cousins, they sparred for minutes that seemed like eternity, but one thing caught them off guard, "They're dead by now, I killed them, I killed Liv, Maddie and Mal Rooney!" Diggie yelled and that made the three drop their weapons, the opponents of the three pushed them back and cornered them, putting the swords above the head and ready to slash them, the three teens waited for the impact, their friends waiting for a cry, but nothing came, they looked up and saw three girls, all in leather, one was in purple, one in blue and another in pink, the three girls held the three teens opponents hands to prevent them from slashing the three, "Never Ever mess with our family again" the one in purple said, then they picked up the swords of the three teens they protected, "Let's see what I can do" the one in blue said, then they started to fight, and as their blades clashed, the three smirked, they forced their blades into their opponents and pushed them, quickly, the Royal Guards went in led by King Beast, Prince Charming, Prince Phillip, Jafar, Captain Hook, Pete Rooney, and Prince Eric, they got the three and led them to prison, the three girls then faced the teens, and said, "We're baaaaaaackkkk" all together, they were shocked as they saw the pale skin, purple and blonde hairs, those green eyes, and that warm smile, "Mal! Liv! Maddie!" Their friends shouted, "We're okay now, I mean, the three of us are getting annoyed of your constant saying to not quit and keep fighting" Liv joked, "Yeah, I don't like people pitying me!" Maddie huffed playfully, "I'm fine, because I saw how true you guys are, how you treat us more than friends or more than family, thank you guys" Mal said, "That's what we are right? We're family" Jay said, "Yes, yes we are" Maddie said, "C'mon guys, let's go home." Ben said, this what love made them do, and it's all worth it in the end, love, never fails.

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