Auradon, again.

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-Ben's POV-
It wasn't hard to fit in, but I do miss Auradon, "Ben! Ben!" Mal snapped her fingers at me, "What?" I asked, "You're zoning out" she replied, "Sorry" "It's fine, I know you miss auradon" we were walking home from school, "Liv and Maddie! Where are you?" Mal yelled, "We're here!" Both of them shouted, frustrated. "Hey? You guys alright?" I asked, "No!" Maddie replied, "What's with the papers?" Evie asked walking in the room with Audrey, "Battle of the bands?" Harry said after he picked up a flyer, "YES NOW SHUT IT! WE CAN'T THINK OF LYRICS!" Liv shouted. "Sis, chill. we'll help you, okay?" Mal said, calming the two, "Fine, thanks sis" Maddie said hugging her sister. "I'll call the others" Evie said, "Hey, it's gonna be easy, I mean Mal here suddenly broke into song at our first date" I said recalling the memory, "BEN! whyyyyy????" Mal whined, "I'm simply making them feel better" I replied, "I.. have.. an.. idea.." Harry said running inside from the backyard, "What?" Uma asked walking in, "Three songs, Two for all of us and one for Evie, Mal, Liv and Maddie" he replied, "Isn't that gonna need a lot of time for the lyrics?" Liv asked, "No because I have the lyrics for one song, Mal and Evie has the other while the other one is at Uma's" I replied getting the paper which holds the song we were working on, "This isn't bad" Maddie said, "You and Me, It's going down and space between huh?" Mal said, "Well, let's start practicing" Gil said, "Let's go!" We all said, but then my phone rang, "Guys wait, it's dad, this is about Auradon" I said, "Hey dad" "Ben, you guys need to get home, NOW" "GUYS WE NEED TO GET HOME" I exclaimed, "Okay guys hold hands" Mal said and we did as we were told, "East West North and South, Bring all of us at Auradon right after I close my mouth" she said and green smoke was around us.


-Mal's POV-

"Mom?! Mom?!" I yelled while checking every room at the castle, "Mal! there you kids are!" Belle said, "Mom, what's happening?" Ben asked, "There has been an update on the Black Devil, he's after no one, nothing, not even the kingdom" Adam said, "Then why is he called a villain?" Harry asked, "He's self proclaimed" Ursula said laughing, "Then we could be back here?" I asked, "Yeah, and I'll teleport your bags don't worry" FG said, "Wait, how about the battle of the bands?" I asked my twins, "Leave it, besides, I do remember something more important than that, right guys?" Liv said, "Oh my gosh! the Royal Cotillion is next week!" I exclaimed, How could I forget?! "EVIE THE DRESSES!" Audrey screamed, "Girls let's get to work!" Evie said while rushing out, this is going to be a long week.


HIIII SORRY FOR THE VERY LONG WAIT, I have been drowned in schoolwork and I had writers block so I'm very very sorry guys, I'll be updating today until Friday to make it up to you guys.

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